Integrating conversational agents and knowledge graphs within the scholarly domain
In the last few years, chatbots have become mainstream solutions adopted in a variety of
domains for automatizing communication at scale. In the same period, knowledge graphs …
domains for automatizing communication at scale. In the same period, knowledge graphs …
Ten quick tips for building FAIR workflows
Research data is accumulating rapidly and with it the challenge of fully reproducible
science. As a consequence, implementation of high-quality management of scientific data …
science. As a consequence, implementation of high-quality management of scientific data …
The data set knowledge graph: Creating a linked open data source for data sets
Several scholarly knowledge graphs have been proposed to model and analyze the
academic landscape. However, although the number of data sets has increased remarkably …
academic landscape. However, although the number of data sets has increased remarkably …
New trends in scientific knowledge graphs and research impact assessment
In the last decades, we experienced a continuously increasing publication rate of scientific
articles and related research objects (eg, data sets, software packages). As this trend keeps …
articles and related research objects (eg, data sets, software packages). As this trend keeps …
We can make a better use of ORCID: five observed misapplications
Abstract Since 2012, the “Open Researcher and Contributor ID” organisation (ORCID) has
been successfully running a worldwide registry, with the aim of “providing a unique …
been successfully running a worldwide registry, with the aim of “providing a unique …
Graph-based methods for Author Name Disambiguation: a survey
Scholarly knowledge graphs (SKG) are knowledge graphs representing research-related
information, powering discovery and statistics about research impact and trends. Author …
information, powering discovery and statistics about research impact and trends. Author …
Large Language Models for Scientific Information Extraction: An Empirical Study for Virology
In this paper, we champion the use of structured and semantic content representation of
discourse-based scholarly communication, inspired by tools like Wikipedia infoboxes or …
discourse-based scholarly communication, inspired by tools like Wikipedia infoboxes or …
Towards innograph: a knowledge graph for AI innovation
Researchers seeking to comprehend the state-of-the-art innovations in a particular field of
study must examine recent patents and scientific articles in that domain. Innovation …
study must examine recent patents and scientific articles in that domain. Innovation …
FDup: a framework for general-purpose and efficient entity deduplication of record collections
Deduplication is a technique aiming at identifying and resolving duplicate metadata records
in a collection. This article describes FDup (Flat Collections Deduper), a general-purpose …
in a collection. This article describes FDup (Flat Collections Deduper), a general-purpose …
QueryER: A Framework for Fast Analysis-Aware Deduplication over Dirty Data
In this work, we explore the problem of correctly and efficiently answering complex SPJ
queries issued directly on top of dirty data. We introduce QueryER, a framework that …
queries issued directly on top of dirty data. We introduce QueryER, a framework that …