The classical-quantum boundary for correlations:<? format?> Discord and related measures
One of the best signatures of nonclassicality in a quantum system is the existence of
correlations that have no classical counterpart. Different methods for quantifying the …
correlations that have no classical counterpart. Different methods for quantifying the …
Quantum resource theories
Quantum resource theories (QRTs) offer a highly versatile and powerful framework for
studying different phenomena in quantum physics. From quantum entanglement to quantum …
studying different phenomena in quantum physics. From quantum entanglement to quantum …
Quantum supremacy using a programmable superconducting processor
The promise of quantum computers is that certain computational tasks might be executed
exponentially faster on a quantum processor than on a classical processor 1. A fundamental …
exponentially faster on a quantum processor than on a classical processor 1. A fundamental …
Barren plateaus in quantum neural network training landscapes
Many experimental proposals for noisy intermediate scale quantum devices involve training
a parameterized quantum circuit with a classical optimization loop. Such hybrid quantum …
a parameterized quantum circuit with a classical optimization loop. Such hybrid quantum …
The theory of variational hybrid quantum-classical algorithms
Many quantum algorithms have daunting resource requirements when compared to what is
available today. To address this discrepancy, a quantum-classical hybrid optimization …
available today. To address this discrepancy, a quantum-classical hybrid optimization …
Entanglement-induced barren plateaus
We argue that an excess in entanglement between the visible and hidden units in a
quantum neural network can hinder learning. In particular, we show that quantum neural …
quantum neural network can hinder learning. In particular, we show that quantum neural …
Entanglement devised barren plateau mitigation
Hybrid quantum-classical variational algorithms are one of the most propitious
implementations of quantum computing on near-term devices, offering classical machine …
implementations of quantum computing on near-term devices, offering classical machine …
Theoretical guarantees for permutation-equivariant quantum neural networks
Despite the great promise of quantum machine learning models, there are several
challenges one must overcome before unlocking their full potential. For instance, models …
challenges one must overcome before unlocking their full potential. For instance, models …
Entanglement certification from theory to experiment
Entanglement is an important resource for quantum technologies. There are many ways
quantum systems can be entangled, ranging from the two-qubit case to entanglement in …
quantum systems can be entangled, ranging from the two-qubit case to entanglement in …
Recent advances for quantum classifiers
Abstract Machine learning has achieved dramatic success in a broad spectrum of
applications. Its interplay with quantum physics may lead to unprecedented perspectives for …
applications. Its interplay with quantum physics may lead to unprecedented perspectives for …