The importance of muscular strength in athletic performance

TJ Suchomel, S Nimphius, MH Stone - Sports medicine, 2016 - Springer
This review discusses previous literature that has examined the influence of muscular
strength on various factors associated with athletic performance and the benefits of …

Normalizing physical performance tests for body size: aproposal for standardization

S Jaric, D Mirkov, G Markovic - The Journal of Strength & …, 2005 -
There is a lack of standardized methodology for normalizing various indices of muscle
strength and movement performance tests for differences in body size in human movement …

Relationship between countermovement jump performance and multijoint isometric and dynamic tests of strength

JL Nuzzo, JM McBride, P Cormie… - The Journal of Strength …, 2008 -
The purpose of this investigation was to determine the relationship between
countermovement vertical jump (CMJ) performance and various methods used to assess …

Strength and conditioning practices of National Basketball Association strength and conditioning coaches

CJ Simenz, CA Dugan, WP Ebben - The Journal of Strength & …, 2005 -
This study describes the results of a survey of the practices of National Basketball
Association strength and conditioning (NBA S&C) coaches. The response rate was …

Test-retest reliability of three different countermovement jum** tests

F Slinde, C Suber, L Suber, CE Edwén… - The Journal of …, 2008 -
In studies of physical performance comprising muscle strength and power, a vertical jump is
a test method that frequently is used. It is important to have access to accurate measuring …

Body Composition And Physical Performance In Men's Soccer: Astudy Of A National Collegiate Athletic Association Division Iteam

R Silvestre, C West, CM Maresh… - The Journal of Strength …, 2006 -
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between body composition (BC)
and physical performance (PP) in male collegiate soccer players and differences among …

Movement performance and body size: the relationship for different groups of tests

G Markovic, S Jaric - European journal of applied physiology, 2004 - Springer
It has been shown that inconsistently applied normalization for body size could be an
important methodological problem in testing physical performance in areas such as sports …

Functional performance, maximal strength, and power characteristics in isometric and dynamic actions of lower extremities in soccer players

B Requena, JJ González-Badillo… - The Journal of …, 2009 -
Requena, B, González-Badillo, JJ, Saez de Villareal, ES, Ereline, J, García, I, Gapeyeva, H,
and Pääsuke, M. Functional performance, maximal strength, and power characteristics in …

Muscle strength testing: evaluation of tests of explosive force production

DM Mirkov, A Nedeljkovic, S Milanovic… - European journal of …, 2004 - Springer
The purpose of the study was to evaluate four tests of explosive force production (EFP).
Specifically, the main aims of the study were to assess the reliability of different EFP tests, to …

A correlational analysis of tethered swimming, swim sprint performance and dry-land power assessments

I Loturco, AC Barbosa, RK Nocentini… - … journal of sports …, 2016 -
Swimmers are often tested on both dry-land and in swimming exercises. The aim of this
study was to test the relationships between dry-land, tethered force-time curve parameters …