Triggers, cascades, and endpoints: connecting the dots of coral bleaching mechanisms
The intracellular coral–dinoflagellate symbiosis is the engine that underpins the success of
coral reefs, one of the most diverse ecosystems on the planet. However, the breakdown of …
coral reefs, one of the most diverse ecosystems on the planet. However, the breakdown of …
Nutrient availability and metabolism affect the stability of coral–Symbiodiniaceae symbioses
Coral reefs rely upon the highly optimized coral–Symbiodiniaceae symbiosis, making them
sensitive to environmental change and susceptible to anthropogenic stress. Coral bleaching …
sensitive to environmental change and susceptible to anthropogenic stress. Coral bleaching …
Coral bleaching patterns are the outcome of complex biological and environmental networking
DJ Suggett, DJ Smith - Global Change Biology, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Continued declines in coral reef health over the past three decades have been punctuated
by severe mass coral bleaching‐induced mortality events that have grown in intensity and …
by severe mass coral bleaching‐induced mortality events that have grown in intensity and …
A carbon-nitrogen negative feedback loop underlies the repeated evolution of cnidarian–Symbiodiniaceae symbioses
Symbiotic associations with Symbiodiniaceae have evolved independently across a diverse
range of cnidarian taxa including reef-building corals, sea anemones, and jellyfish, yet the …
range of cnidarian taxa including reef-building corals, sea anemones, and jellyfish, yet the …
Symbiont population control by host-symbiont metabolic interaction in Symbiodiniaceae-cnidarian associations
T **ang, E Lehnert, RE **kerson, S Clowez… - Nature …, 2020 - nature.com
In cnidarian-Symbiodiniaceae symbioses, algal endosymbiont population control within the
host is needed to sustain a symbiotic relationship. However, the molecular mechanisms that …
host is needed to sustain a symbiotic relationship. However, the molecular mechanisms that …
Building consensus around the assessment and interpretation of Symbiodiniaceae diversity
Dinoflagellates in the family Symbiodiniaceae occupy multiple ecological niches on tropical,
subtropical, and temperate reefs, ranging from species that are exclusively free-living to …
subtropical, and temperate reefs, ranging from species that are exclusively free-living to …
Lineage dynamics of the endosymbiotic cell type in the soft coral Xenia
Many corals harbour symbiotic dinoflagellate algae. The algae live inside coral cells in a
specialized membrane compartment known as the symbiosome, which shares the …
specialized membrane compartment known as the symbiosome, which shares the …
The past, present, and future of coral heat stress studies
MJ Cziesielski, S Schmidt‐Roach… - Ecology and …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
The global loss and degradation of coral reefs, as a result of intensified frequency and
severity of bleaching events, is a major concern. Evidence of heat stress affecting corals …
severity of bleaching events, is a major concern. Evidence of heat stress affecting corals …
Role of host genetics and heat‐tolerant algal symbionts in sustaining populations of the endangered coral Orbicella faveolata in the Florida Keys with ocean warming
Identifying which factors lead to coral bleaching resistance is a priority given the global
decline of coral reefs with ocean warming. During the second year of back‐to‐back …
decline of coral reefs with ocean warming. During the second year of back‐to‐back …
Symbiodiniaceae‐bacteria interactions: rethinking metabolite exchange in reef‐building corals as multi‐partner metabolic networks
The intimate relationship between scleractinian corals and their associated microorganisms
is fundamental to healthy coral reef ecosystems. Coral‐associated microbes …
is fundamental to healthy coral reef ecosystems. Coral‐associated microbes …