The delannoy category

N Harman, A Snowden, N Snyder - Duke Mathematical Journal, 2024 -
Let G be the group of all order-preserving self-maps of the real line. In previous work, the first
two authors constructed a pre-Tannakian category Rep _ (G) associated to G. The present …

On Frobenius exact symmetric tensor categories

K Coulembier, P Etingof, V Ostrik… - Annals of …, 2023 -
A fundamental theorem of P. Deligne (2002) states that a pre-Tannakian category over an
algebraically closed field of characteristic zero admits a fiber functor to the category of …

[BOK][B] Semi-infinite highest weight categories

J Brundan, C Stroppel - 2024 -
We develop axiomatics of highest weight categories and quasi-hereditary algebras in order
to incorporate two semi-infinite situations which are in Ringel duality with each other; the …

[HTML][HTML] Incompressible tensor categories

K Coulembier, P Etingof, V Ostrik - Advances in Mathematics, 2024 - Elsevier
A symmetric tensor category D over an algebraically closed field k is called incompressible if
its objects have finite length (D is pretannakian) and every tensor functor out of D is an …

New incompressible symmetric tensor categories in positive characteristic

D Benson, P Etingof, V Ostrik - Duke Mathematical Journal, 2023 -
We propose a method of constructing abelian envelopes of symmetric rigid monoidal
Karoubian categories over an algebraically closed field k. If char (k)= p> 0, then we use this …

Commutative algebra in tensor categories

K Coulembier - arxiv preprint arxiv:2306.09727, 2023 -
We develop some foundations of commutative algebra, with a view towards algebraic
geometry, in symmetric tensor categories. Most results establish analogues of classical …

Discrete pre-Tannakian categories

N Harman, A Snowden - arxiv preprint arxiv:2304.05375, 2023 -
Pre-Tannakian categories are a natural class of tensor categories that can be viewed as
generalizations of algebraic groups. We define a pre-Tannkian category to be discrete if it is …

Monoidal abelian envelopes with a quotient property

K Coulembier, P Etingof, V Ostrik… - Journal für die reine und …, 2023 -
We study abelian envelopes for pseudo-tensor categories with the property that every object
in the envelope is a quotient of an object in the pseudo-tensor category. We establish an …

Lectures on symmetric tensor categories

P Etingof, AS Kannan - Representations of algebras and related …, 2023 -
This is an expanded version of the notes by the second author of the lectures on symmetric
tensor categories given by the first author at Ohio State University in March 2019 and later at …

Algebraic geometry in tensor categories

K Coulembier - arxiv preprint arxiv:2311.02264, 2023 -
arxiv:2311.02264v1 [math.AG] 3 Nov 2023 Page 1 ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY IN TENSOR
CATEGORIES KEVIN COULEMBIER Abstract. We set up some foundations of generalised …