Mycorrhizal networks: a review of their extent, function, and importance

SW Simard, DM Durall - Canadian Journal of Botany, 2004 -
It is well known from laboratory studies that a single mycorrhizal fungal isolate can colonize
different plant species, form interplant linkages, and provide a conduit for interplant transfer …

Ectomycorrhizal fungal communities in young forest stands regenerating after clearcut logging

MD Jones, DM Durall, JWG Cairney - New Phytologist, 2003 - Wiley Online Library
The effects on the ectomycorrhizal fungal community of clearcut logging, which is used to
harvest millions of hectares of ectomycorrhizal forest annually, has been studied for a …

Socialism in soil? The importance of mycorrhizal fungal networks for facilitation in natural ecosystems

MGA Van Der Heijden, TR Horton - Journal of ecology, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
Almost all plants are engaged in symbiotic relationships with mycorrhizal fungi. These soil
fungi can promote plant growth by supplying limiting nutrients to plant roots in return for plant …

Impacts of root competition in forests and woodlands: a theoretical framework and review of experiments

DA Coomes, PJ Grubb - Ecological monographs, 2000 - Wiley Online Library
Light is widely considered to be the most important factor limiting the performance of plants
on the floors of forests and woodlands, but the roles of nutrient availability and water supply …

[KNJIGA][B] Fungi in ecosystem processes

J Dighton - 2018 -
This new edition of Fungi in Ecosystem Processes continues the unique approach of
examining the roles of fungi from the perspective of ecosystem functions. It explores how …

Community structure of ectomycorrhizal fungi in a Pinus muricata forest: minimal overlap between the mature forest and resistant propagule communities

DL Taylor, TD Bruns - Molecular Ecology, 1999 - Wiley Online Library
We have investigated colonization strategies by comparing the abundance and frequency of
ectomycorrhizal fungal species on roots in a mature Pinus muricata forest with those present …

Viewing forests through the lens of complex systems science

E Filotas, L Parrott, PJ Burton, RL Chazdon… - …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Complex systems science provides a transdisciplinary framework to study systems
characterized by (1) heterogeneity,(2) hierarchy,(3) self‐organization,(4) openness,(5) …

Ectomycorrhizal fungal succession in mixed temperate forests

BD Twieg, DM Durall, SW Simard - New Phytologist, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
Ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungal communities of Douglas‐fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) and
paper birch (Betula papyrifera) were studied along a chronosequence of forest development …

Exploring functional definitions of mycorrhizas: are mycorrhizas always mutualisms?

MD Jones, SE Smith - Canadian Journal of Botany, 2004 -
On considère généralement les mycorhizes comme un cas de mutualisme classique. Les
auteures décrivent le mutualisme comme une augmentation réciproque de l'adaptation des …

Mycorrhizas and mycorrhizal fungal communities throughout ecosystem development

IA Dickie, LB Martínez-García, N Koele, GA Grelet… - Plant and Soil, 2013 - Springer
Background and scope Plant communities and underlying soils undergo substantial,
coordinated shifts throughout ecosystem development. However, shifts in the composition …