Rethinking visual geo-localization for large-scale applications
Visual Geo-localization (VG) is the task of estimating the position where a given photo was
taken by comparing it with a large database of images of known locations. To investigate …
taken by comparing it with a large database of images of known locations. To investigate …
Google landmarks dataset v2-a large-scale benchmark for instance-level recognition and retrieval
While image retrieval and instance recognition techniques are progressing rapidly, there is a
need for challenging datasets to accurately measure their performance--while posing novel …
need for challenging datasets to accurately measure their performance--while posing novel …
Spatial pyramid-enhanced NetVLAD with weighted triplet loss for place recognition
We propose an end-to-end place recognition model based on a novel deep neural network.
First, we propose to exploit the spatial pyramid structure of the images to enhance the vector …
First, we propose to exploit the spatial pyramid structure of the images to enhance the vector …
Efficient & effective prioritized matching for large-scale image-based localization
Accurately determining the position and orientation from which an image was taken, ie,
computing the camera pose, is a fundamental step in many Computer Vision applications …
computing the camera pose, is a fundamental step in many Computer Vision applications …
NetVLAD: CNN architecture for weakly supervised place recognition
We tackle the problem of large scale visual place recognition, where the task is to quickly
and accurately recognize the location of a given query photograph. We present the following …
and accurately recognize the location of a given query photograph. We present the following …
A survey on deep visual place recognition
In recent years visual place recognition (VPR), ie, the problem of recognizing the location of
images, has received considerable attention from multiple research communities, spanning …
images, has received considerable attention from multiple research communities, spanning …
24/7 place recognition by view synthesis
We address the problem of large-scale visual place recognition for situations where the
scene undergoes a major change in appearance, for example, due to illumination …
scene undergoes a major change in appearance, for example, due to illumination …
PCAN: 3D attention map learning using contextual information for point cloud based retrieval
Point cloud based retrieval for place recognition is an emerging problem in vision field. The
main challenge is how to find an efficient way to encode the local features into a …
main challenge is how to find an efficient way to encode the local features into a …
Long-term visual localization revisited
Visual localization enables autonomous vehicles to navigate in their surroundings and
augmented reality applications to link virtual to real worlds. Practical visual localization …
augmented reality applications to link virtual to real worlds. Practical visual localization …
Planet-photo geolocation with convolutional neural networks
Is it possible to determine the location of a photo from just its pixels? While the general
problem seems exceptionally difficult, photos often contain cues such as landmarks, weather …
problem seems exceptionally difficult, photos often contain cues such as landmarks, weather …