Automatic evaluation of digital libraries with 5SQual
Digital libraries (DLs) are complex information systems which can present changes in their
structure, content, and services. These complexities and dynamics make system …
structure, content, and services. These complexities and dynamics make system …
Being formal and flexible: Semantic wiki as an archaeological e-science infrastructure
I Huvila - 2012 -
The multiple challenges of representing archaeological information both using relational
databases and semantic web technologies have been acknowledged in the literature. The …
databases and semantic web technologies have been acknowledged in the literature. The …
The interactive track at INEX 2005
In its second year, the Interactive Track at INEX focused on address-ing some fundamental
issues of interactive XML retrieval: is element retrieval useful for searchers, what granularity …
issues of interactive XML retrieval: is element retrieval useful for searchers, what granularity …
A logging scheme for comparative digital library evaluation
Abstract Evaluation of digital libraries assesses their effectiveness, quality and overall
impact. To facilitate the comparison of different evaluations and to support the re-use of …
impact. To facilitate the comparison of different evaluations and to support the re-use of …
[PDF][PDF] Towards a reference quality model for digital libraries
Towards a reference quality model for digital libraries Page 43 Towards a Reference Quality
Model for Digital Libraries Maristella Agosti Dept. of Information Engineering University of …
Model for Digital Libraries Maristella Agosti Dept. of Information Engineering University of …
[PDF][PDF] Ensemble: Enriching communities and collections to support education in computing
Ensemble is a new NSF NSDL Pathways project working to establish a national, distributed
digital library for computing education. Ensemble is building a distributed portal providing …
digital library for computing education. Ensemble is building a distributed portal providing …
An experimental framework for interactive information retrieval and digital libraries evaluation
Abstract Evaluation of digital libraries assesses their effectiveness, quality and overall
impact. In this paper we propose to use the Daffodil system as an experimental framework …
impact. In this paper we propose to use the Daffodil system as an experimental framework …
[PDF][PDF] Steps towards a participatory digital library and data archive for archaeological information
The e-Science related literature sees digital libraries, digital archives and databanks as
central collaborative infrastructures for scientific and scholarly research. The present paper …
central collaborative infrastructures for scientific and scholarly research. The present paper …
[PDF][PDF] Unterstützung beim Finden und Durchführen von Suchstrategien in Digitalen Bibliotheken.
S Kriewel - 2010 -
Während noch bis in die 80er Jahre zumeist Suchexperten oder Informationsmittler die
Hauptnutzer von Information-Retrieval-(IRS) oder Digital-Library-Systemen (DLS) waren …
Hauptnutzer von Information-Retrieval-(IRS) oder Digital-Library-Systemen (DLS) waren …
[PDF][PDF] Country and language level differences in multilingual digital libraries
M Gäde - 2014 -
“The Web must allow equal access to those in different economic and political situations;
those who have physical or cognitive disabilities; those of different cultures; and those who …
those who have physical or cognitive disabilities; those of different cultures; and those who …