Bioactive trace metals and their isotopes as paleoproductivity proxies: An assessment using GEOTRACES‐era data

TJ Horner, SH Little, TM Conway… - Global …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Phytoplankton productivity and export sequester climatically significant quantities of
atmospheric carbon dioxide as particulate organic carbon through a suite of processes …

The role of metal contamination in sha** microbial communities in heavily polluted marine sediments

A Di Cesare, P Pjevac, E Eckert, N Curkov… - Environmental …, 2020 - Elsevier
Microorganisms in coastal sediments are fundamental for ecosystem functioning, and
regulate processes relevant in global biogeochemical cycles. Still, our understanding of the …

Unveiling the impact and mechanisms of Cd-driven ecological assembly and coexistence of bacterial communities in coastal sediments of Yellow Sea

C Yu, Z Zhu, K Meng, H Zhang, M Xu - Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023 - Elsevier
The microbial community assembly processes and underlying mechanisms in response to
heavy metal accumulation in coastal sediments remain underexplored. In this study, the …

The silent VOICE—Searching for geochemical markers to track the impact of Late Jurassic rift tectonics

JM Galloway, T Hadlari, K Dewing… - Geochemistry …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
A causal mechanism for the Volgian Isotopic Carbon Excursion (VOICE) remains enigmatic.
Elemental geochemical profiles of the Deer Bay Formation, Sverdrup Basin, Arctic Canada …

Dissolved silver in European estuarine and coastal waters

AD Tappin, JL Barriada, CB Braungardt, EH Evans… - water research, 2010 - Elsevier
Silver is one of the most toxic elements for the marine microbial and invertebrate community.
However, little is known about the distribution and behaviour of dissolved silver in marine …

Porewater dynamics of silver, lead and copper in coastal sediments and implications for benthic metal fluxes

LH Kalnejais, WR Martin, MH Bothner - Science of the Total Environment, 2015 - Elsevier
To determine the conditions that lead to a diffusive release of dissolved metals from coastal
sediments, porewater profiles of Ag, Cu, and Pb have been collected over seven years at …

Sources, fluxes, and biogeochemical cycling of silver in the oceans

C Gallon, AR Flegal - Reviews of Environmental Contamination and …, 2014 - Springer
This brief review of silver in the oceans was catalyzed by our observation that there was a
relative paucity of published data on the topic. A few authors have reported silver …

Origin and accumulation of trace elements in sediments of the northwestern Mediterranean margin

D Cossa, R Buscail, P Puig, JF Chiffoleau… - Chemical …, 2014 - Elsevier
Continental margins receive natural and anthropogenic trace elements (TEs) from direct
atmospheric deposition of aerosols onto the sea surface and from advection of riverine …

The accumulation of silver in marine sediments: A link to biogenic Ba and marine productivity

JL McKay, TF Pedersen - Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
The concentrations of Ag and a suite of redox‐sensitive trace metals (Re, Cd, and Mo) were
measured in surface sediments from the Western Canadian, Mexican, Peruvian, and …

Influence of biological productivity on silver and redox-sensitive trace metal accumulation in Southern Ocean surface sediments, Pacific sector

M Wagner, IL Hendy, JL McKay, TF Pedersen - Earth and Planetary Science …, 2013 - Elsevier
Accurate interpretation of paleoproductivity proxies in the Southern Ocean requires “ground
truthing” these proxies. Here the concentrations of total Ba, organic carbon (C org), and …