Bioactive trace metals and their isotopes as paleoproductivity proxies: An assessment using GEOTRACES‐era data
Phytoplankton productivity and export sequester climatically significant quantities of
atmospheric carbon dioxide as particulate organic carbon through a suite of processes …
atmospheric carbon dioxide as particulate organic carbon through a suite of processes …
The role of metal contamination in sha** microbial communities in heavily polluted marine sediments
Microorganisms in coastal sediments are fundamental for ecosystem functioning, and
regulate processes relevant in global biogeochemical cycles. Still, our understanding of the …
regulate processes relevant in global biogeochemical cycles. Still, our understanding of the …
Unveiling the impact and mechanisms of Cd-driven ecological assembly and coexistence of bacterial communities in coastal sediments of Yellow Sea
C Yu, Z Zhu, K Meng, H Zhang, M Xu - Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023 - Elsevier
The microbial community assembly processes and underlying mechanisms in response to
heavy metal accumulation in coastal sediments remain underexplored. In this study, the …
heavy metal accumulation in coastal sediments remain underexplored. In this study, the …
The silent VOICE—Searching for geochemical markers to track the impact of Late Jurassic rift tectonics
A causal mechanism for the Volgian Isotopic Carbon Excursion (VOICE) remains enigmatic.
Elemental geochemical profiles of the Deer Bay Formation, Sverdrup Basin, Arctic Canada …
Elemental geochemical profiles of the Deer Bay Formation, Sverdrup Basin, Arctic Canada …
Dissolved silver in European estuarine and coastal waters
AD Tappin, JL Barriada, CB Braungardt, EH Evans… - water research, 2010 - Elsevier
Silver is one of the most toxic elements for the marine microbial and invertebrate community.
However, little is known about the distribution and behaviour of dissolved silver in marine …
However, little is known about the distribution and behaviour of dissolved silver in marine …
Porewater dynamics of silver, lead and copper in coastal sediments and implications for benthic metal fluxes
LH Kalnejais, WR Martin, MH Bothner - Science of the Total Environment, 2015 - Elsevier
To determine the conditions that lead to a diffusive release of dissolved metals from coastal
sediments, porewater profiles of Ag, Cu, and Pb have been collected over seven years at …
sediments, porewater profiles of Ag, Cu, and Pb have been collected over seven years at …
Sources, fluxes, and biogeochemical cycling of silver in the oceans
C Gallon, AR Flegal - Reviews of Environmental Contamination and …, 2014 - Springer
This brief review of silver in the oceans was catalyzed by our observation that there was a
relative paucity of published data on the topic. A few authors have reported silver …
relative paucity of published data on the topic. A few authors have reported silver …
Origin and accumulation of trace elements in sediments of the northwestern Mediterranean margin
Continental margins receive natural and anthropogenic trace elements (TEs) from direct
atmospheric deposition of aerosols onto the sea surface and from advection of riverine …
atmospheric deposition of aerosols onto the sea surface and from advection of riverine …
The accumulation of silver in marine sediments: A link to biogenic Ba and marine productivity
JL McKay, TF Pedersen - Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
The concentrations of Ag and a suite of redox‐sensitive trace metals (Re, Cd, and Mo) were
measured in surface sediments from the Western Canadian, Mexican, Peruvian, and …
measured in surface sediments from the Western Canadian, Mexican, Peruvian, and …
Influence of biological productivity on silver and redox-sensitive trace metal accumulation in Southern Ocean surface sediments, Pacific sector
Accurate interpretation of paleoproductivity proxies in the Southern Ocean requires “ground
truthing” these proxies. Here the concentrations of total Ba, organic carbon (C org), and …
truthing” these proxies. Here the concentrations of total Ba, organic carbon (C org), and …