Climate migration myths

I Boas, C Farbotko, H Adams, H Sterly, S Bush… - Nature Climate …, 2019 -
Misleading claims about mass migration induced by climate change continue to surface in
both academia and policy. This requires a new research agenda on 'climate mobilities' that …

Where is the Anthropocene? IR in a new geological epoch

D Simangan - International Affairs, 2020 -
Several disciplines outside the natural sciences, including International Relations (IR), have
engaged with the Anthropocene discourse in order to theorize their relevance and translate …

Indigenous (im) mobilities in the Anthropocene

S Suliman, C Farbotko, H Ransan-Cooper… - Mobilities, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
This paper explores Indigenous (im) mobilities in the Anthropocene, and their relationship to
Pacific Islands climate activism. In a context where Indigenous peoples and perspectives are …

Fale Pili: a Tuvaluan perspective on mobility justice

T Kitara, S Suliman, C Farbotko - Applied Mobilities, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
This paper suggests that the Indigenous Tuvaluan concept of fale pili, looking after one's
neighbour as if they were family, must be centralised in understandings of mobility justice for …

Environmental refugees? A tale of two resettlement projects in coastal Papua New Guinea

J Connell, N Lutkehaus - … and Settlement in Australia and the Asia …, 2018 -
Environmental change in small islands may be associated with migration as a means of
adaptation. Both Manam and the Carteret Islands in Papua New Guinea (PNG) have …

Mobilising a theory of kinetic politics

S Suliman - Mobilities, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
While mobilities research is cognisant of the need to theorise the politics of mobility, the
extent to which a political theory of movement has been developed is debateable. In this …

Disrupting the Universality of the Anthropocene with Perspectives from the Asia Pacific

D Simangan - International Relations in the Anthropocene: New …, 2021 - Springer
The universalising tendency of the Anthropocene as a concept overshadows the injustices
and inequalities in human history. Those most responsible for the causes of the …

From international relations to World civilizations: The contributions of Robert W. Cox

S Brincat - Globalizations, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
Robert W. Cox has been a key figure in so-called critical approaches to world politics and
though his work defies conventional labelling, his deeply historical and relational approach …

Essays on Environmental Migration

E Scibe - 2022 -
La tesi tratta del fenomeno delle migrazioni ambientali e si struttura in una serie analisi
mirate ad esplorare la complessa relazione che intercorre tra la mobilità umana e le …

Introduction: From International Relations to World Civilizations: The Contributions of Robert W. Cox

S Brincat - From International Relations to World Civilizations, 2018 -
This chapter provides an overview of the key concepts discussed in this book. The book
provides an entry-point into Robert W. Cox's work and came about through discussions …