Climate migration myths
Misleading claims about mass migration induced by climate change continue to surface in
both academia and policy. This requires a new research agenda on 'climate mobilities' that …
both academia and policy. This requires a new research agenda on 'climate mobilities' that …
Where is the Anthropocene? IR in a new geological epoch
D Simangan - International Affairs, 2020 - academic.oup.com
Several disciplines outside the natural sciences, including International Relations (IR), have
engaged with the Anthropocene discourse in order to theorize their relevance and translate …
engaged with the Anthropocene discourse in order to theorize their relevance and translate …
Indigenous (im) mobilities in the Anthropocene
This paper explores Indigenous (im) mobilities in the Anthropocene, and their relationship to
Pacific Islands climate activism. In a context where Indigenous peoples and perspectives are …
Pacific Islands climate activism. In a context where Indigenous peoples and perspectives are …
Fale Pili: a Tuvaluan perspective on mobility justice
This paper suggests that the Indigenous Tuvaluan concept of fale pili, looking after one's
neighbour as if they were family, must be centralised in understandings of mobility justice for …
neighbour as if they were family, must be centralised in understandings of mobility justice for …
Environmental refugees? A tale of two resettlement projects in coastal Papua New Guinea
Environmental change in small islands may be associated with migration as a means of
adaptation. Both Manam and the Carteret Islands in Papua New Guinea (PNG) have …
adaptation. Both Manam and the Carteret Islands in Papua New Guinea (PNG) have …
Mobilising a theory of kinetic politics
S Suliman - Mobilities, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
While mobilities research is cognisant of the need to theorise the politics of mobility, the
extent to which a political theory of movement has been developed is debateable. In this …
extent to which a political theory of movement has been developed is debateable. In this …
Disrupting the Universality of the Anthropocene with Perspectives from the Asia Pacific
D Simangan - International Relations in the Anthropocene: New …, 2021 - Springer
The universalising tendency of the Anthropocene as a concept overshadows the injustices
and inequalities in human history. Those most responsible for the causes of the …
and inequalities in human history. Those most responsible for the causes of the …
From international relations to World civilizations: The contributions of Robert W. Cox
S Brincat - Globalizations, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
Robert W. Cox has been a key figure in so-called critical approaches to world politics and
though his work defies conventional labelling, his deeply historical and relational approach …
though his work defies conventional labelling, his deeply historical and relational approach …
Essays on Environmental Migration
E Scibe - 2022 - u-pad.unimc.it
La tesi tratta del fenomeno delle migrazioni ambientali e si struttura in una serie analisi
mirate ad esplorare la complessa relazione che intercorre tra la mobilità umana e le …
mirate ad esplorare la complessa relazione che intercorre tra la mobilità umana e le …
Introduction: From International Relations to World Civilizations: The Contributions of Robert W. Cox
S Brincat - From International Relations to World Civilizations, 2018 - taylorfrancis.com
This chapter provides an overview of the key concepts discussed in this book. The book
provides an entry-point into Robert W. Cox's work and came about through discussions …
provides an entry-point into Robert W. Cox's work and came about through discussions …