Enrichment at vapour–liquid interfaces of mixtures: establishing a link between nanoscopic and macroscopic properties

S Stephan, H Hasse - International Reviews in Physical Chemistry, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
Component density profiles at vapour–liquid interfaces of mixtures can exhibit a non-
monotonic behaviour with a maximum that can be many times larger than the densities in …

Polymer alloys and blends

LA Utracki, BD Favis - Handbook of polymer science and …, 1989 - books.google.com
The terms" blend" and" alloy" describe intimate mixtures of ingredients. However, while"
blend" may indicate a true molecular solution (ie, blended whiskeys), the term" alloy" has …

[หนังสือ][B] Handbook of surface and colloid chemistry

KS Birdi - 2008 - taylorfrancis.com
The third edition of this besteller covers the latest advancements in this rapidly growing field.
Focusing on analyses and critical evaluation of the subject, this new edition reviews the …

A Review of CO2 Applications in the Processing of Polymers

DL Tomasko, H Li, D Liu, X Han… - Industrial & …, 2003 - ACS Publications
The use of supercritical carbon dioxide as a processing solvent for the physical processing
of polymeric materials is reviewed. Fundamental properties of CO2/polymer systems are …

Interfacial tension and phase equilibria for binary systems containing (CH4-CO2)+(n-dodecane; n-butanol; water)

R Villablanca-Ahues, R Nagl, T Zeiner, P Jaeger - Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2023 - Elsevier
This study aims to investigate and predict the interfacial tension at elevated pressure for
binary systems, that are essential for the ongoing energy transition. A comprehensive review …

Interfacial tension of immiscible polymer blends: temperature and molecular weight dependence

SH Anastasiadis, I Gancarz, JT Koberstein - Macromolecules, 1988 - ACS Publications
Interfacial tensionsbetween immiscible homopolymers are measured by using an automated
pendant drop apparatus, which utilizes video digital image processing techniques. A …

Preferential surface adsorption in miscible blends of polystyrene and poly (vinyl methyl ether)

QS Bhatia, DH Pan, JT Koberstein - Macromolecules, 1988 - ACS Publications
Thesurface structure and properties of miscible blends of polystyrene (PS) with poly (vinyl
methyl ether)(PVME) have been studied as a function of the blend composition and …

Interfacial properties of binary mixtures of simple fluids and their relation to the phase diagram

S Stephan, H Hasse - Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2020 - pubs.rsc.org
Interfacial properties of binary fluid mixtures were studied using both molecular dynamics
(MD) simulations and density gradient theory (DGT). The focus of the study is on the relation …

Interfacial properties of binary Lennard-Jones mixtures by molecular simulation and density gradient theory

S Stephan, K Langenbach, H Hasse - The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2019 - pubs.aip.org
A systematic study of interfacial properties of binary mixtures of simple fluids was carried out
by molecular dynamics (MD) simulation and density gradient theory (DGT). The fluids are …

Vapor-liquid interfacial properties of the system cyclohexane+ CO2: Experiments, molecular simulation and density gradient theory

S Stephan, S Becker, K Langenbach, H Hasse - Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2020 - Elsevier
Abstract Properties of the vapor-liquid interface of the binary mixture cyclohexane+ CO 2 as
well as for the two pure substances are reported. The data were obtained from pendant drop …