Enrichment at vapour–liquid interfaces of mixtures: establishing a link between nanoscopic and macroscopic properties
Component density profiles at vapour–liquid interfaces of mixtures can exhibit a non-
monotonic behaviour with a maximum that can be many times larger than the densities in …
monotonic behaviour with a maximum that can be many times larger than the densities in …
Polymer alloys and blends
LA Utracki, BD Favis - Handbook of polymer science and …, 1989 - books.google.com
The terms" blend" and" alloy" describe intimate mixtures of ingredients. However, while"
blend" may indicate a true molecular solution (ie, blended whiskeys), the term" alloy" has …
blend" may indicate a true molecular solution (ie, blended whiskeys), the term" alloy" has …
[หนังสือ][B] Handbook of surface and colloid chemistry
KS Birdi - 2008 - taylorfrancis.com
The third edition of this besteller covers the latest advancements in this rapidly growing field.
Focusing on analyses and critical evaluation of the subject, this new edition reviews the …
Focusing on analyses and critical evaluation of the subject, this new edition reviews the …
A Review of CO2 Applications in the Processing of Polymers
The use of supercritical carbon dioxide as a processing solvent for the physical processing
of polymeric materials is reviewed. Fundamental properties of CO2/polymer systems are …
of polymeric materials is reviewed. Fundamental properties of CO2/polymer systems are …
Interfacial tension and phase equilibria for binary systems containing (CH4-CO2)+(n-dodecane; n-butanol; water)
R Villablanca-Ahues, R Nagl, T Zeiner, P Jaeger - Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2023 - Elsevier
This study aims to investigate and predict the interfacial tension at elevated pressure for
binary systems, that are essential for the ongoing energy transition. A comprehensive review …
binary systems, that are essential for the ongoing energy transition. A comprehensive review …
Interfacial tension of immiscible polymer blends: temperature and molecular weight dependence
SH Anastasiadis, I Gancarz, JT Koberstein - Macromolecules, 1988 - ACS Publications
Interfacial tensionsbetween immiscible homopolymers are measured by using an automated
pendant drop apparatus, which utilizes video digital image processing techniques. A …
pendant drop apparatus, which utilizes video digital image processing techniques. A …
Preferential surface adsorption in miscible blends of polystyrene and poly (vinyl methyl ether)
QS Bhatia, DH Pan, JT Koberstein - Macromolecules, 1988 - ACS Publications
Thesurface structure and properties of miscible blends of polystyrene (PS) with poly (vinyl
methyl ether)(PVME) have been studied as a function of the blend composition and …
methyl ether)(PVME) have been studied as a function of the blend composition and …
Interfacial properties of binary mixtures of simple fluids and their relation to the phase diagram
Interfacial properties of binary fluid mixtures were studied using both molecular dynamics
(MD) simulations and density gradient theory (DGT). The focus of the study is on the relation …
(MD) simulations and density gradient theory (DGT). The focus of the study is on the relation …
Interfacial properties of binary Lennard-Jones mixtures by molecular simulation and density gradient theory
A systematic study of interfacial properties of binary mixtures of simple fluids was carried out
by molecular dynamics (MD) simulation and density gradient theory (DGT). The fluids are …
by molecular dynamics (MD) simulation and density gradient theory (DGT). The fluids are …
Vapor-liquid interfacial properties of the system cyclohexane+ CO2: Experiments, molecular simulation and density gradient theory
Abstract Properties of the vapor-liquid interface of the binary mixture cyclohexane+ CO 2 as
well as for the two pure substances are reported. The data were obtained from pendant drop …
well as for the two pure substances are reported. The data were obtained from pendant drop …