A review of the genesis, evolution, and prediction of natural fractures in deep tight sandstones of China
Natural fractures are effective reservoir spaces and the main seepage channel for tight
sandstones, which control the migration, enrichment, and productivity of oil and natural gas …
sandstones, which control the migration, enrichment, and productivity of oil and natural gas …
Advances in the study of natural fractures in deep and unconventional reservoirs
As the global oil and gas demands continue to grow, deep and unconventional reservoirs
have become the main areas for increasing reserves and improving production, and are …
have become the main areas for increasing reserves and improving production, and are …
Control of faults and fractures on shale oil enrichment
Abstract The Qingshankou Formation is the primary shale oil exploration and development
target in the Songliao Basin, but controlling factors of shale oil enrichment, especially the …
target in the Songliao Basin, but controlling factors of shale oil enrichment, especially the …
Correction of linear fracture density and error analysis using underground borehole data
Fracture data acquired from drill core and borehole image logs require corrections for the
bias due to fracture orientation, that are usually achieved by the Terzaghi correction …
bias due to fracture orientation, that are usually achieved by the Terzaghi correction …
An intelligent prediction method of fractures in tight carbonate reservoirs
D Shaoqun, Z Lianbo, DU **angyi… - Petroleum Exploration …, 2022 - Elsevier
An intelligent prediction method for fractures in tight carbonate reservoir has been
established by upgrading single-well fracture identification and interwell fracture trend …
established by upgrading single-well fracture identification and interwell fracture trend …
鄂尔多斯盆地华庆地区天然裂缝与岩石力学层演化: 基于数值模拟的定量分析
刘敬寿, 丁文龙, 杨海盟, 代鹏, 邬忠虎, 张冠杰 - 地球科学, 2023 - earth-science.net
岩石力学层控制天然裂缝发育程度与成因机制, 同样地, 裂缝发育也会影响岩石力学参数的大小
与各向异性. 受成岩与构造作用的双重影响, 岩石力学层会发生迁移, 因此, 控制裂缝发育的岩石 …
与各向异性. 受成岩与构造作用的双重影响, 岩石力学层会发生迁移, 因此, 控制裂缝发育的岩石 …
Natural fractures in the deep Sinian carbonates of the central Sichuan Basin, China: Implications for reservoir quality
J Shi, X Zhao, R Pan, L Zeng, W Luo - Journal of Petroleum Science and …, 2022 - Elsevier
The deeply buried carbonates in the Sinian Dengying Formation are one of the crucial
hydrocarbon exploration targets in the central Sichuan Basin of China, and are …
hydrocarbon exploration targets in the central Sichuan Basin of China, and are …
[HTML][HTML] Fracture identification of carbonate reservoirs by deep forest model: An example from the D oilfield in Zagros Basin
C Ji, S Dong, L Zeng, Y Liu, J Hao, Z Yang - Energy Geoscience, 2024 - Elsevier
Identifying fractures along a well trajectory is of immense significance in determining the
subsurface fracture network distribution. Typically, conventional logs exhibit responses in …
subsurface fracture network distribution. Typically, conventional logs exhibit responses in …
[HTML][HTML] Relationship between box-counting fractal dimension and properties of fracture networks
S Dong, X Yu, L Zeng, J Ye, L Wang, C Ji, K Fu… - Unconventional …, 2024 - Elsevier
Due to the capacity to quantify the complexity of a fracture network, fractal dimension (D) is
widely applied in analyzing fracture network-related issues, such as connectivity and …
widely applied in analyzing fracture network-related issues, such as connectivity and …
Effects of overpressure on deep sandstone reservoir quality: A case study of the Medium and Lower Jurassic formation in the Shawan Sag, central Junggar Basin …
X Xu, L Zhang, L Zeng, C Li, L Zhang, Z Zeng… - Geoenergy Science and …, 2023 - Elsevier
This study focuses on the Medium and Lower Jurassic sandstone reservoir in the Shawan
Sag, central Junggar Basin to demonstrate the impacts of overpressure on deep reservoir …
Sag, central Junggar Basin to demonstrate the impacts of overpressure on deep reservoir …