Metaphor use in Chinese and US corporate mission statements: A cognitive sociolinguistic analysis

Y Sun, J Jiang - English for Specific Purposes, 2014 - Elsevier
Corpus-based approaches to researching metaphor use in business English have become
increasingly prevalent, but metaphor use in the genre of mission statements has received …

Metaphor use in Chinese and American CSR reports

Y Sun, G **, Y Yang, J Zhao - IEEE Transactions on …, 2018 -
Background: Corporate social responsibility (CSR) reports are one of the vehicles for
develo** corporate images, namely, the cognitive representation of a company perceived …

Contending metaphors of the European Union as a global actor: Norms and power in the European discourse on multilateralism

E Barbé, A Herranz-Surrallés… - Journal of Language and …, 2015 -
The legitimacy crisis that existing institutions of global governance are undergoing has led
the European Union (EU) to place the idea of “effective multilateralism” at the heart of its …

United we stand in metaphors: EU authority and incomplete politicisation of the crisis in Ukraine

M Natorski - Journal of European Integration, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
This article analyses the dynamics of the politicisation and depoliticisation of the EU
response to the 2014 crisis in Ukraine through the perspective of metaphorical framing. This …

Model, player or instrument for global governance: metaphors in the discourse and practice of EU foreign policy

E Barbé, A Herranz-Surrallés… - EU Foreign Policy …, 2016 -
The Lisbon Treaty has brought a number of significant changes in the field of foreign policy.
Most importantly, the role of the national presidencies in the field of foreign policy has all but …

[KNJIGA][B] Crisis and Politicisation

B Voltolini, M Natorski, C Hay - 2021 -
Crisis and Politicisation; The Framing and Re-framing of Europe’s Permanent Crisis Page 1
Crisis and Politicisation This book explores the links between the politics of a now seemingly …

The Dual Containment metaphor: Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and linking the Cold War to the War on Terror

R Fowler - Quarterly Journal of Speech, 2025 - Taylor & Francis
This essay analyzes the Dual Containment metaphor of the Clinton administration, which
reconciled President Clinton's internationalist post-Cold War rhetoric with aggressive …

Англоязычный дискурс ООН: особенности и практическое применение в описании современного миропорядка

НМ Брицына - Филологические науки в МГИМО, 2022 -
Аннотация Настоящее исследование вписывается в контекст возросшего интереса к
глобализации и её проявлению в современном англоязычном дискурсе. Избрание …

Islamification, Islamofascism, and the Ideation of Londonistan

L de Rooij - Media Language on Islam and Muslims: Terminologies …, 2023 - Springer
The article discusses how the media's portrayal of Muslims and Islam shapes public
perceptions and responses to issues associated with them. The author argues that the …

FDR's" Dagger" Address: Disarming the Anti-Interventionists at the University of Virginia Through Metaphoric Inversion.

R Fowler - Texas Speech Communication Journal, 2023 -
Days before the French surrender to Nazi Germany in June 1940, Franklin D. Roosevelt
delivered an address at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville that was broadcast …