Metaphor use in Chinese and US corporate mission statements: A cognitive sociolinguistic analysis
Y Sun, J Jiang - English for Specific Purposes, 2014 - Elsevier
Corpus-based approaches to researching metaphor use in business English have become
increasingly prevalent, but metaphor use in the genre of mission statements has received …
increasingly prevalent, but metaphor use in the genre of mission statements has received …
Metaphor use in Chinese and American CSR reports
Y Sun, G **, Y Yang, J Zhao - IEEE Transactions on …, 2018 -
Background: Corporate social responsibility (CSR) reports are one of the vehicles for
develo** corporate images, namely, the cognitive representation of a company perceived …
develo** corporate images, namely, the cognitive representation of a company perceived …
Contending metaphors of the European Union as a global actor: Norms and power in the European discourse on multilateralism
The legitimacy crisis that existing institutions of global governance are undergoing has led
the European Union (EU) to place the idea of “effective multilateralism” at the heart of its …
the European Union (EU) to place the idea of “effective multilateralism” at the heart of its …
United we stand in metaphors: EU authority and incomplete politicisation of the crisis in Ukraine
M Natorski - Journal of European Integration, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
This article analyses the dynamics of the politicisation and depoliticisation of the EU
response to the 2014 crisis in Ukraine through the perspective of metaphorical framing. This …
response to the 2014 crisis in Ukraine through the perspective of metaphorical framing. This …
Model, player or instrument for global governance: metaphors in the discourse and practice of EU foreign policy
The Lisbon Treaty has brought a number of significant changes in the field of foreign policy.
Most importantly, the role of the national presidencies in the field of foreign policy has all but …
Most importantly, the role of the national presidencies in the field of foreign policy has all but …
[KNJIGA][B] Crisis and Politicisation
Crisis and Politicisation; The Framing and Re-framing of Europe’s Permanent Crisis Page 1
Crisis and Politicisation This book explores the links between the politics of a now seemingly …
Crisis and Politicisation This book explores the links between the politics of a now seemingly …
The Dual Containment metaphor: Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and linking the Cold War to the War on Terror
R Fowler - Quarterly Journal of Speech, 2025 - Taylor & Francis
This essay analyzes the Dual Containment metaphor of the Clinton administration, which
reconciled President Clinton's internationalist post-Cold War rhetoric with aggressive …
reconciled President Clinton's internationalist post-Cold War rhetoric with aggressive …
Англоязычный дискурс ООН: особенности и практическое применение в описании современного миропорядка
НМ Брицына - Филологические науки в МГИМО, 2022 -
Аннотация Настоящее исследование вписывается в контекст возросшего интереса к
глобализации и её проявлению в современном англоязычном дискурсе. Избрание …
глобализации и её проявлению в современном англоязычном дискурсе. Избрание …
Islamification, Islamofascism, and the Ideation of Londonistan
L de Rooij - Media Language on Islam and Muslims: Terminologies …, 2023 - Springer
The article discusses how the media's portrayal of Muslims and Islam shapes public
perceptions and responses to issues associated with them. The author argues that the …
perceptions and responses to issues associated with them. The author argues that the …
FDR's" Dagger" Address: Disarming the Anti-Interventionists at the University of Virginia Through Metaphoric Inversion.
R Fowler - Texas Speech Communication Journal, 2023 -
Days before the French surrender to Nazi Germany in June 1940, Franklin D. Roosevelt
delivered an address at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville that was broadcast …
delivered an address at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville that was broadcast …