A comprehensive framework for customer retention in E-commerce using machine learning based on churn prediction, customer segmentation, and recommendation

I Jahan, TF Sanam - Electronic Commerce Research, 2024 - Springer
The cost-efficiency of retaining existing customers in the realm of e-commerce, the pursuit of
new customer acquisition is no longer considered a prudent strategy. By develo** a …

ExplaNet: A collaborative learning tool and hybrid recommender system for student-authored explanations

J Masters, T Madhyastha, A Shakouri - Journal of Interactive …, 2008 - learntechlib.org
ExplaNet is a web-based, anonymous, asynchronous explanation-sharing network.
Instructors post questions to the network and students submit explanatory answers. Students …

Method and system for matching entities in an auction

W Wu, SM Hoffberg - US Patent 10,237,420, 2019 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A method for matching a first entity with at least one second entity selected
from a plurality of second entities, compris ing defining a plurality of multivalued scalar data …

[KNIHA][B] ExplaNet: A learning tool and hybrid recommender system for student-authored explanations

J Masters - 2005 - search.proquest.com
ExplaNet is a web-based, anonymous, asynchronous explanation-sharing network.
Instructors post questions to the network, and students submit explanatory answers …

[KNIHA][B] Modeling usage of an online research community

Y Zhang - 2004 - search.proquest.com
Although online communities have been thought of as a new way for collaboration across
geographic boundaries in the scientific world, they have a problem attracting people to keep …

[CITÁCIA][C] ExplaNet: A Hybrid Recommender System for Student-Authored Explanations

J Masters - 2004

[CITÁCIA][C] Gruppen-Recommender-System für DVB-H basiertes Fernsehen

M Mazurek