The impact of vegetation on meandering rivers
The Palaeozoic evolution of land plants revolutionized river geomorphology. However, the
relationships between biotic forcing and channel dynamics are still debated and, as such …
relationships between biotic forcing and channel dynamics are still debated and, as such …
Downstream-migrating fluvial point bars in the rock record
Classical models developed for ancient fluvial point bars are based on the assumption that
meander bends invariably increase their radius as meander-bend apices migrate in a …
meander bends invariably increase their radius as meander-bend apices migrate in a …
Sedimentological and geochemical perspectives on a marginal lake environment recorded in the Hartmann's Valley and Karasburg members of the Murray formation …
This study utilizes instruments from the Curiosity rover payload to develop an integrated
paleoenvironmental and compositional reconstruction for the 65‐m thick interval of …
paleoenvironmental and compositional reconstruction for the 65‐m thick interval of …
The sedimentology of an ephemeral fluvial–aeolian succession
CL Priddy, SM Clarke - Sedimentology, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Ephemeral fluvial systems are commonly associated with arid to semi‐arid climates.
Although their complex sedimentology and depositional settings have been described in …
Although their complex sedimentology and depositional settings have been described in …
Model for the formation of single‐thread rivers in barren landscapes and implications for pre‐Silurian and Martian fluvial deposits
Flume experiments and field observations show that bank vegetation promotes the formation
of narrow and deep single‐thread channels by strengthening riverbanks. Consistent with …
of narrow and deep single‐thread channels by strengthening riverbanks. Consistent with …
Morphometric convergence between Proterozoic and post-vegetation rivers
Proterozoic rivers flowed through barren landscapes, and lacked interactions with
macroscopic organisms. It is widely held that, in the absence of vegetation, fluvial systems …
macroscopic organisms. It is widely held that, in the absence of vegetation, fluvial systems …
Tectonic and environmental controls on Palaeozoic fluvial environments: reassessing the impacts of early land plants on sedimentation
The apparent increase in occurrence of meandering fluvial channel systems in the Middle
Palaeozoic has long been related to the effects of land-plant colonization. However …
Palaeozoic has long been related to the effects of land-plant colonization. However …
Planview style and palaeodrainage of Torridonian channel belts: Applecross formation, Stoer Peninsula, Scotland
The sedimentary products of forty-three Neoproterozoic fluvial-channel belts are superbly
exposed along the seaboard of Stoer Peninsula, Scotland, UK. The deposits belong to the …
exposed along the seaboard of Stoer Peninsula, Scotland, UK. The deposits belong to the …
A depositional model for meandering rivers without land plants
The recognition of meandering rivers in Earth's prevegetation stratigraphic record is
hindered by an absence of depositional models specifically tailored to unvegetated single …
hindered by an absence of depositional models specifically tailored to unvegetated single …
Stratal architecture and morphodynamics of downstream-migrating fluvial point bars (Jurassic Scalby Formation, UK)
Assessments of depositional architecture and paleodrainage in planform are increasingly
recognized as critical for the reconstruction of ancient fluvial morphodynamics; however …
recognized as critical for the reconstruction of ancient fluvial morphodynamics; however …