Are harmful algal blooms becoming the greatest inland water quality threat to public health and aquatic ecosystems?
In this Focus article, the authors ask a seemingly simple question: Are harmful algal blooms
(HABs) becoming the greatest inland water quality threat to public health and aquatic …
(HABs) becoming the greatest inland water quality threat to public health and aquatic …
Toxic and harmful microalgae of the world ocean.
This monograph reviews marine micro-algal species from all origins around the globe for
their toxic or harmful character. We have considered the ex-pressions toxic and harmful in …
their toxic or harmful character. We have considered the ex-pressions toxic and harmful in …
Advances in forecasting harmful algal blooms using machine learning models: A case study with Planktothrix rubescens in Lake Geneva
J Derot, H Yajima, S Jacquet - Harmful Algae, 2020 - Elsevier
The development of anthropic activities during the 20th century increased the nutrient fluxes
in freshwater ecosystems, leading to the eutrophication phenomenon that most often …
in freshwater ecosystems, leading to the eutrophication phenomenon that most often …
Global lake health in the anthropocene: societal implications and treatment strategies
Abstract The world's 1.4 million lakes (≥ 10 ha) provide many ecosystem services that are
essential for human well‐being; however, only if their health status is good. Here, we …
essential for human well‐being; however, only if their health status is good. Here, we …
A chronicle of a killer alga in the west: ecology, assessment, and management of Prymnesium parvum blooms
Since the mid-1980s, fish-killing blooms of Prymnesium parvum spread throughout the USA.
In the south central USA, P. parvum blooms have commonly spanned hundreds of …
In the south central USA, P. parvum blooms have commonly spanned hundreds of …
The ecophysiology and bloom dynamics of Prymnesium spp.
Members of Prymnesium belong to the division Haptophyta, class Prymnesiophyceae, order
Prymnesiales and family Prymnesiaceae. As most haptophytes, members of the genus …
Prymnesiales and family Prymnesiaceae. As most haptophytes, members of the genus …
Giant polyketide synthase enzymes in the biosynthesis of giant marine polyether toxins
Prymnesium parvum are harmful haptophyte algae that cause massive environmental fish
kills. Their polyketide polyether toxins, the prymnesins, are among the largest nonpolymeric …
kills. Their polyketide polyether toxins, the prymnesins, are among the largest nonpolymeric …
Fish-Killing Marine Algal Blooms: Causative Organisms, Ichthyotoxic Mechanisms, Impacts and Mitigation.
Fish-killing microalgal blooms are responsible for much greater global socio-economic
impacts than the well-studied HAB species causing seafood biotoxin contamination …
impacts than the well-studied HAB species causing seafood biotoxin contamination …
Assessing the Toxicity and Mitigating the Impact of Harmful Prymnesium Blooms in Eutrophic Waters of the Norfolk Broads
Prymnesium parvum is a toxin-producing microalga, which causes harmful algal blooms
globally, frequently leading to massive fish kills that have adverse ecological and economic …
globally, frequently leading to massive fish kills that have adverse ecological and economic …
[HTML][HTML] From genes to toxins: Profiling Prymnesium parvum during a riverine harmful algal bloom
Blooms of Prymnesium parvum, a unicellular alga globally distributed in marine and
brackish environments, frequently result in massive fish kills due to the production of toxins …
brackish environments, frequently result in massive fish kills due to the production of toxins …