Information extraction

S Sarawagi - Foundations and Trends® in Databases, 2008 -
The automatic extraction of information from unstructured sources has opened up new
avenues for querying, organizing, and analyzing data by drawing upon the clean semantics …

Bridging text visualization and mining: A task-driven survey

S Liu, X Wang, C Collins, W Dou… - IEEE transactions on …, 2018 -
Visual text analytics has recently emerged as one of the most prominent topics in both
academic research and the commercial world. To provide an overview of the relevant …

Ontology-based automated information extraction from building energy conservation codes

P Zhou, N El-Gohary - Automation in Construction, 2017 - Elsevier
An ontology-based information extraction algorithm for automatically extracting energy
requirements from energy conservation codes is proposed. The proposed algorithm aims to …

Automatic spatiotemporal and semantic information extraction from unstructured geoscience reports using text mining techniques

Q Qiu, Z **e, L Wu, L Tao - Earth science informatics, 2020 - Springer
A large number of georeferenced quantitative data about rock and geoscience surveys are
buried in geological documents and remain unused. Data analytics and information …

A review: Information extraction techniques from research papers

K Jayaram, K Sangeeta - 2017 International conference on …, 2017 -
Text extraction is a crucial stage of analyzing Journal papers. Journal papers generally are
in PDF format which is semi structured data. Journal papers are presented into different …

Jointly extracting interventions, outcomes, and findings from RCT reports with LLMs

S Wadhwa, J DeYoung, B Nye… - Machine Learning …, 2023 -
Abstract Results from Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) establish the comparative
effectiveness of interventions, and are in turn critical inputs for evidence-based care …

Hybrid search: Effectively combining keywords and semantic searches

R Bhagdev, S Chapman, F Ciravegna… - The Semantic Web …, 2008 - Springer
This paper describes hybrid search, a search method supporting both document and
knowledge retrieval via the flexible combination of ontology-based search and keyword …

Cataloging github repositories

A Sharma, F Thung, PS Kochhar, A Sulistya… - Proceedings of the 21st …, 2017 -
GitHub is one of the largest and most popular repository hosting service today, having about
14 million users and more than 54 million repositories as of March 2017. This makes it an …

Transformed vargha-delaney effect size

G Neumann, M Harman, S Poulding - … 2015, Bergamo, Italy, September 5-7 …, 2015 - Springer
Researchers without a technical background in statistics may be tempted to apply analytical
techniques in a ritualistic manner. SBSE research is not immune to this problem. We argue …

Supporting requirements engineers in recognising security issues

E Knauss, S Houmb, K Schneider, S Islam… - … : Foundation for Software …, 2011 - Springer
Context & motivation: More and more software projects today are security-related in one way
or the other. Many environments are initially not considered security-related and no security …