[CARTE][B] Psychology of reading
Reading is a highly complex skill that is prerequisite to success in many societies in which a
great deal of information is communicated in written form. Since the 1970s, much has been …
great deal of information is communicated in written form. Since the 1970s, much has been …
Saccadic eye movements and cognition
SP Liversedge, JM Findlay - Trends in cognitive sciences, 2000 - cell.com
Scanning of the visual scene is an important selective process in visual perception. In this
article we argue that eye-movement data provide an excellent on-line indication of the …
article we argue that eye-movement data provide an excellent on-line indication of the …
Large-scale evidence for logarithmic effects of word predictability on reading time
During real-time language comprehension, our minds rapidly decode complex meanings
from sequences of words. The difficulty of doing so is known to be related to words' …
from sequences of words. The difficulty of doing so is known to be related to words' …
What do we mean by prediction in language comprehension?
We consider several key aspects of prediction in language comprehension: its
computational nature, the representational level (s) at which we predict, whether we use …
computational nature, the representational level (s) at which we predict, whether we use …
Large-scale benchmark yields no evidence that language model surprisal explains syntactic disambiguation difficulty
Prediction has been proposed as an overarching principle that explains human information
processing in language and beyond. To what degree can processing difficulty in …
processing in language and beyond. To what degree can processing difficulty in …
Expectation-based syntactic comprehension
R Levy - Cognition, 2008 - Elsevier
This paper investigates the role of resource allocation as a source of processing difficulty in
human sentence comprehension. The paper proposes a simple information-theoretic …
human sentence comprehension. The paper proposes a simple information-theoretic …
Good-enough representations in language comprehension
People comprehend utterances rapidly and without conscious effort. Traditional theories
assume that sentence processing is algorithmic and that meaning is derived …
assume that sentence processing is algorithmic and that meaning is derived …
The misinterpretation of noncanonical sentences
F Ferreira - Cognitive psychology, 2003 - Elsevier
Research on language comprehension has focused on the resolution of syntactic
ambiguities, and most studies have employed garden-path sentences to determine the …
ambiguities, and most studies have employed garden-path sentences to determine the …
Parsing and working memory in bilingual sentence processing
I Cunnings - Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 2017 - cambridge.org
A growing body of research has investigated bilingual sentence processing. How to account
for differences in native (L1) and non-native (L2) processing is controversial. Some explain …
for differences in native (L1) and non-native (L2) processing is controversial. Some explain …
Plausibility and verb subcategorization in temporarily ambiguous sentences: Evidence from self-paced reading
MJ Traxler - Journal of psycholinguistic research, 2005 - Springer
A self-paced reading experiment investigated processing of sentences containing a noun-
phrase that could temporarily be mistaken as the direct-object argument of a verb in a …
phrase that could temporarily be mistaken as the direct-object argument of a verb in a …