A review of semi-supervised learning for text classification

JM Duarte, L Berton - Artificial intelligence review, 2023 - Springer
A huge amount of data is generated daily leading to big data challenges. One of them is
related to text mining, especially text classification. To perform this task we usually need a …

Machine learning for engineering design toward smart customization: A systematic review

X Wang, A Liu, S Kara - Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 2022 - Elsevier
In today's manufacturing industry, companies are striving to provide customized products to
maintain competitiveness. The challenge of design customization lies in the company's …

Review of artificial intelligence applications in engineering design perspective

N Yüksel, HR Börklü, HK Sezer, OE Canyurt - Engineering Applications of …, 2023 - Elsevier
Having passed the primitive phases and starting to revolutionize many different fields in
some way, artificial intelligence is on its way to becoming a disruptive technology. It is also …

A smart conflict resolution model using multi-layer knowledge graph for conceptual design

Z Huang, X Guo, Y Liu, W Zhao, K Zhang - Advanced Engineering …, 2023 - Elsevier
Reducing the impact of conflicts on requirement-function-structure map** in the early
stage of product design is an important measure to achieve conceptual innovation, which …

Natural language processing in-and-for design research

L Siddharth, L Blessing, J Luo - Design Science, 2022 - cambridge.org
We review the scholarly contributions that utilise natural language processing (NLP)
techniques to support the design process. Using a heuristic approach, we gathered 223 …

Idea generation with technology semantic network

S Sarica, B Song, J Luo, KL Wood - AI EDAM, 2021 - cambridge.org
There are growing efforts to mine public and common-sense semantic network databases
for engineering design ideation stimuli. However, there is still a lack of design ideation aids …

A patent text-based product conceptual design decision-making approach considering the fusion of incomplete evaluation semantic and scheme beliefs

L **g, X Fan, D Feng, C Lu, S Jiang - Applied Soft Computing, 2024 - Elsevier
Conceptual design evaluation is a significant challenge in product development to select
suitable conceptual schemes (CS). Relying on decision makers'(DMs) personal experience …

Product innovation design approach driven by implicit relationship completion via patent knowledge graph

S Jiang, J Yang, J **e, X Xu, Y Dou, L **g - Advanced Engineering …, 2024 - Elsevier
Product innovation design process involves a great deal of discrete engineering knowledge,
limiting the ability of designers to quickly utilize this knowledge to support design innovation …

A constraint-driven conceptual design approach for product based on function-behavior-structure design process

X Fu, H Zhang, L **g, X Fan, C Lu, S Jiang - Computers & Industrial …, 2024 - Elsevier
Conceptual design is an important part of new product development (NPD) since it relies on
performance, quality, and cost restrictions from users during the design process, and it has a …

Using patents to support prospective life cycle assessment: opportunities and limitations

C Spreafico, N Thonemann, M Pizzol… - … International Journal of …, 2024 - Springer
Purpose Some prospective life cycle assessment (LCA) studies obtain information from
patents, albeit without exploiting their full potential. The objective of this study is to show …