Coronal loops: observations and modeling of confined plasma

F Reale - Living Reviews in Solar Physics, 2014 - Springer
Coronal loops are the building blocks of the X-ray bright solar corona. They owe their
brightness to the dense confined plasma, and this review focuses on loops mostly as …

Physics of solar prominences: II—magnetic structure and dynamics

DH Mackay, JT Karpen, JL Ballester, B Schmieder… - Space Science …, 2010 - Springer
Observations and models of solar prominences are reviewed. We focus on non-eruptive
prominences, and describe recent progress in four areas of prominence research:(1) …

[КНИГА][B] Solar magnetohydrodynamics

ER Priest - 2012 -
I have felt the need for a book on the theory of solar magnetic fields for some time now. Most
books about the Sun are written by observers or by theorists from other branches of solar …

Heating of the solar chromosphere and corona by Alfvén wave turbulence

AA Van Ballegooijen, M Asgari-Targhi… - The Astrophysical …, 2011 -
ABSTRACT A three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) model for the propagation
and dissipation of Alfvén waves in a coronal loop is developed. The model includes the …

X-ray astronomy of stellar coronae

M Güdel - The Astronomy and Astrophysics Review, 2004 - Springer
X-ray emission from stars in the cool half of the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram is generally
attributed to the presence of a magnetic corona that contains plasma at temperatures …

The properties of the solar corona and its connection to the solar wind

SR Cranmer, AR Winebarger - Annual Review of Astronomy …, 2019 -
The corona is a layer of hot plasma that surrounds the Sun, traces out its complex magnetic
field, and ultimately expands into interplanetary space as the supersonic solar wind …

Multispectral emission of the Sun during the first whole Sun month: Magnetohydrodynamic simulations

R Lionello, JA Linker, Z Mikić - The Astrophysical Journal, 2008 -
We demonstrate that a three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulation of the
corona can model its global plasma density and temperature structure with sufficient …

[КНИГА][B] The solar corona

L Golub, JM Pasachoff - 2010 -
Intended for graduate students and astronomers seeking an introduction to coronal physics,
this textbook strikes a balance between the observational and theoretical aspects of the …

The X-ray sun in time: a study of the long-term evolution of coronae of solar-type stars

M Güdel, EF Guinan, SL Skinner - The Astrophysical Journal, 1997 -
We have used the ASCA and ROSAT X-ray satellites to probe the coronae of a sample of
nine solar-like G stars. These stars are all ostensibly single with ages ranging from 70 Myr to …

[КНИГА][B] The solar transition region

JT Mariska - 1992 -
The solar transition region, which spans the temperature range from about 20,000 to
1,000,000 K, separates the chromosphere from the corona. All the energy that heats the …