Dwarfism and gigantism drive human-mediated extinctions on islands
Islands have long been recognized as distinctive evolutionary arenas leading to
morphologically divergent species, such as dwarfs and giants. We assessed how body size …
morphologically divergent species, such as dwarfs and giants. We assessed how body size …
[ספר][B] Mediterranean voyages: the archaeology of island colonisation and abandonment
H Dawson - 2016 - taylorfrancis.com
Islands are ideal case studies for exploring social connectivity, episodes of colonisation,
abandonment, and alternating phases of cultural interaction and isolation. Their societies …
abandonment, and alternating phases of cultural interaction and isolation. Their societies …
Post-glacial colonization of Europe by the wood mouse, Apodemus sylvaticus: evidence of a northern refugium and dispersal with humans
The wood mouse Apodemus sylvaticus is an opportunistic rodent that is found throughout
most of the European mainland. It is present on many islands around the margins of the …
most of the European mainland. It is present on many islands around the margins of the …
Monograph of the Staphylinidae of Crete (Greece). Part I. Diversity and endemism (Insecta: Coleoptera)
V Assing - Beiträge Zur Entomologie …, 2019 - contributions-to-entomology.org
Mit ihrer durch lange Isolation sowie durch Zeiten teilweiser Fragmentierung, Submersion
und nachfolgender Hebung gekennzeichneten geologischen Vergangenheit, ihrer …
und nachfolgender Hebung gekennzeichneten geologischen Vergangenheit, ihrer …
[PDF][PDF] A new subspecies of grey wolf (Carnivora, Canidae), recently extinct, from Sicily, Italy
A new subspecies of grey wolf (Carnivora, Canidae), recently extinct, from Sicily, Italy Page 1
Bollettino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona, 42, 2018 Botanica Zoologia: 03-15 …
Bollettino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona, 42, 2018 Botanica Zoologia: 03-15 …
Lights and shadows in the evolutionary patterns of insular bovids
Endemic bovids are intriguing elements of insular faunas. The living species include the
Japanese serow (Capricornis crispus) and the Formosan serow (C. swinhoei), the tamaraw …
Japanese serow (Capricornis crispus) and the Formosan serow (C. swinhoei), the tamaraw …
Long-term trend of Italian breeding forest birds and comparison with the other Mediterranean peninsulas
The author has carried out a bibliographic survey of the status of breeding forest birds in Italy
over 15 decades (1872-2022) in order to establish an objective long-term trend (stable …
over 15 decades (1872-2022) in order to establish an objective long-term trend (stable …
[PDF][PDF] Pleistocene island occupation in the Mediterranean: insights from a tied-biome approach to glacial refugia
N Phoca-Cosmetatou, RJ Rabett - Living in the landscape: essays …, 2014 - pure.qub.ac.uk
Concepts drawn from 'island biogeography'(Mac Arthur & Wilson 1967; Whittaker &
Fernández-Palacios 2007), such as size, configuration and distance to other landmasses …
Fernández-Palacios 2007), such as size, configuration and distance to other landmasses …
The Grotta di Cala dei Genovesi–New studies on the Ice Age cave art on Sicily
La Grotta di Cala dei Genovesi sull'isola di Levanzo, lungo la costa ovest della Sicilia,
contiene uno degli esempi più rilevanti dell'arte parietale tardoglaciale dell'intero …
contiene uno degli esempi più rilevanti dell'arte parietale tardoglaciale dell'intero …
[PDF][PDF] Origin and Long-Term Trend of Italian Breeding Forest Birds in the Mediterranean Context
B Massa - 2023 - preprints.org
The author attempts to reconstruct the climatic vicissitudes of the Mediterranean to explain
why only broadly distributed Eurasian forest species have penetrated the Mediterranean …
why only broadly distributed Eurasian forest species have penetrated the Mediterranean …