Sustaining human health: A requirements engineering perspective
In our current day and age, Earth suffers under the human ecological footprint, which
influences our health and well-being. Technological solutions, including software-related …
influences our health and well-being. Technological solutions, including software-related …
A model-driven approach to adopt good practices for agile process configuration and certification
Context The agile development paradigm has been extensively adopted in the industry. This
adoption is highly dependent on the knowledge and good practices applied by most …
adoption is highly dependent on the knowledge and good practices applied by most …
From sustainability in requirements engineering to a sustainability-aware scrum framework
P Garscha - 2021 IEEE 29th International Requirements …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Sustainability has become an important topic in the field of requirements engineering. In
general, five sustainability dimensions can be distinguished: economical, environmental …
general, five sustainability dimensions can be distinguished: economical, environmental …
[HTML][HTML] Identifying key characteristics of business rules that affect software project success
Today, businesses need to continuously adjust to a dynamic environment. Enterprises have
to deal with global competition and technological advances, meet government regulations …
to deal with global competition and technological advances, meet government regulations …
[PDF][PDF] Validation study of a framework for sustainable software system design and development
Sustainability in software design is an evolving area that requires more practical guidance
on how software engineers and businesses could innovate and design software systems …
on how software engineers and businesses could innovate and design software systems …
[PDF][PDF] Experiences from applying the karlskrona manifesto principles for sustainability in software system design
Sustainability in software design is an evolving area that requires more practical guide on
how software designers, developers and requirement engineers can elicit software …
how software designers, developers and requirement engineers can elicit software …
Assessing software sustainability of connected health applications
JA García-Berná, S Ouhbi… - World Conference on …, 2022 - Springer
Connected health applications encompass m-health, e-health and digital health
applications. More and more healthcare professionals and patients are adopting connected …
applications. More and more healthcare professionals and patients are adopting connected …
The Elephant in the Room-Educating Practitioners on Software Development for Sustainability
Software engineering as a discipline has recognised that software systems can have an
impact on sustainability, and researchers have started to investigate this topic. New …
impact on sustainability, and researchers have started to investigate this topic. New …
Sustainability Estimation based on the Planning Poker Technique in Agile Software Development/submitted by Thomas Hofer, BSc
T Hofer - 2023 - epub.jku.at
In today's context, the topic of sustainability has gained great importance, which extends
across different areas and disciplines. The topic of sustainability is also becoming …
across different areas and disciplines. The topic of sustainability is also becoming …
[PDF][PDF] Éco-conception logicielle pour systèmes
C Ponsard, B Nihoul, M Touzani - academia.edu
La durabilité est une préoccupation majeure du 21ème siècle. La révolution numérique
engendre des opportunités mais également de nouvelles menaces. Le constat actuel est …
engendre des opportunités mais également de nouvelles menaces. Le constat actuel est …