Gas-phase infrared multiple photon dissociation spectroscopy of mass-selected molecular ions
In this review, we present an overview of our recent work on the infrared spectroscopy of
mass-selected gas-phase molecular ions. The ions are stored and isolated in a quadrupole …
mass-selected gas-phase molecular ions. The ions are stored and isolated in a quadrupole …
Vibrational spectroscopy of bare and solvated ionic complexes of biological relevance
The low density of ions in mass spectrometers generally precludes direct infrared (IR)
absorption measurements. The IR spectrum of an ion can nonetheless be obtained by …
absorption measurements. The IR spectrum of an ion can nonetheless be obtained by …
Infrared spectroscopy of organometallic ions in the gas phase: from model to real world complexes
L MacAleese, P Maître - Mass Spectrometry Reviews, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
Gas phase mid‐infrared spectroscopy of molecular ions can nowadays be performed with
high performance mass spectrometers coupled to free electron lasers (FEL). The wide and …
high performance mass spectrometers coupled to free electron lasers (FEL). The wide and …
Infrared multiple photon dissociation spectroscopy of ions in Penning traps
JR Eyler - Mass spectrometry reviews, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
The ability of Paul and Penning traps to contain ions for time periods ranging from
milliseconds to minutes allows the trapped ions to be subjected to laser irradiation for …
milliseconds to minutes allows the trapped ions to be subjected to laser irradiation for …
Infrared spectroscopy and theoretical studies on gas-phase protonated leu-enkephalin and its fragments: direct experimental evidence for the mobile proton
The gas-phase structures of the protonated pentapeptide Leu-enkephalin and its main
collision-induced dissociation (CID) product ions, b 4 and a 4, are investigated by means of …
collision-induced dissociation (CID) product ions, b 4 and a 4, are investigated by means of …
Reaction products in mass spectrometry elucidated with infrared spectroscopy
Determining the structure and dynamics of large biologically relevant molecules is one of the
key challenges facing biology. Although X-ray crystallography (XRD) and nuclear magnetic …
key challenges facing biology. Although X-ray crystallography (XRD) and nuclear magnetic …
Infrared consequence spectroscopy of gaseous protonated and metal ion cationized complexes
TD Fridgen - Mass spectrometry reviews, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
In this article, the new and exciting techniques of infrared consequence spectroscopy
(sometimes called action spectroscopy) of gaseous ions are reviewed. These techniques …
(sometimes called action spectroscopy) of gaseous ions are reviewed. These techniques …
Gas-phase IR spectroscopy of deprotonated amino acids
Gas-phase infrared multiple photon dissociation (IRMPD) spectra have been recorded for
the conjugate bases of a series of amino acids (Asp, Cys, Glu, Phe, Ser, Trp, Tyr). The …
the conjugate bases of a series of amino acids (Asp, Cys, Glu, Phe, Ser, Trp, Tyr). The …
Theoretical spectroscopy of floppy peptides at room temperature. A DFTMD perspective: gas and aqueous phase
MP Gaigeot - Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2010 -
Theoretical spectroscopy is mandatory for a precise understanding and assignment of
experimental spectra recorded at finite temperature. We review here room temperature DFT …
experimental spectra recorded at finite temperature. We review here room temperature DFT …
Probing the competition between secondary structures and local preferences in gas phase isolated peptide backbones
W Chin, F Piuzzi, I Dimicoli, M Mons - Physical Chemistry Chemical …, 2006 -
Combining laser desorption with a supersonic expansion together with the selectivity of
IR/UV double resonance spectroscopy makes it possible to isolate and characterise the gas …
IR/UV double resonance spectroscopy makes it possible to isolate and characterise the gas …