Explaining derivational morphology as the convergence of codes
MS Seidenberg, LM Gonnerman - Trends in cognitive sciences, 2000 - cell.com
Abstract Language users have a remarkable ability to create, produce and comprehend
complex words. Words such as undercut and bakery appear to be composed of units …
complex words. Words such as undercut and bakery appear to be composed of units …
[BOOK][B] Understanding morphology
M Haspelmath, A Sims - 2013 - taylorfrancis.com
This new edition of Understanding Morphology has been fully revised in line with the latest
research. It now includes' big picture'questions to highlight central themes in morphology, as …
research. It now includes' big picture'questions to highlight central themes in morphology, as …
[BOOK][B] Words and rules: The ingredients of language
S Pinker - 2015 - books.google.com
" If you are not already a Steven Pinker addict, this book will make you one."--Jared
Diamond In Words and Rules, Steven Pinker explores profound mysteries of language by …
Diamond In Words and Rules, Steven Pinker explores profound mysteries of language by …
Reading achievement in relation to phonological coding and awareness in deaf readers: A meta-analysis
RI Mayberry, AA Del Giudice… - Journal of deaf studies …, 2011 - academic.oup.com
The relation between reading ability and phonological coding and awareness (PCA) skills in
individuals who are severely and profoundly deaf was investigated with a meta-analysis …
individuals who are severely and profoundly deaf was investigated with a meta-analysis …
A review of the evidence on morphological processing in dyslexics and poor readers: A strength or weakness
This chapter describes the current conceptualizations and studies of morphological
processing in dyslexics and poor readers. These findings support the existence of both …
processing in dyslexics and poor readers. These findings support the existence of both …
Derivative word forms: What do learners know?
N Schmitt, CB Zimmerman - TESOL quarterly, 2002 - Wiley Online Library
Some teachers and researchers may assume that when a learner knows one member of a
word family (eg, stimulate), the other members (eg, stimulant, stimulative) are relatively easy …
word family (eg, stimulate), the other members (eg, stimulant, stimulative) are relatively easy …
The psychological reality of phonaesthemes
BK Bergen - Language, 2004 - muse.jhu.edu
The psychological reality of English phonaesthemes is demonstrated through a priming
experiment with native speakers of American English. Phonaesthemes are well-represented …
experiment with native speakers of American English. Phonaesthemes are well-represented …
Are non-semantic morphological effects incompatible with a distributed connectionist approach to lexical processing?
DC Plaut, LM Gonnerman - Language and Cognitive Processes, 2000 - Taylor & Francis
On a distributed connectionist approach, morphology reflects a learned sensitivity to the
systematic relationships among the surface forms of words and their meanings. Performance …
systematic relationships among the surface forms of words and their meanings. Performance …
Morphological awareness in developmental dyslexia
This study examines morphological awareness in developmental dyslexia. While the poor
phonological awareness of dyslexic children has been related to their difficulty in handling …
phonological awareness of dyslexic children has been related to their difficulty in handling …
Learning morphological and phonological spelling rules: An intervention study
T Nunes, P Bryant, J Olsson - Scientific studies of reading, 2003 - Taylor & Francis
We looked at the effects of teaching 7-and 8-year-old children morphological and
phonological distinctions. Some of those given morphological training and some of those …
phonological distinctions. Some of those given morphological training and some of those …