Impact of everyday weather on individual daily travel behaviours in perspective: a literature review

L Böcker, M Dijst, J Prillwitz - Transport reviews, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
In the light of growing societal interest for climate change adaptation and mitigation, insights
into the meaning of weather conditions for travel behaviours—particularly walking and …

Weather variability and travel behaviour–what we know and what we do not know

C Liu, YO Susilo, A Karlström - Transport reviews, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
Given that severe weather conditions are becoming more frequent, it is important to
understand the influence of weather on an individual's daily activity-travel pattern. While …

A comparative study of machine learning classifiers for modeling travel mode choice

J Hagenauer, M Helbich - Expert Systems with Applications, 2017 - Elsevier
The analysis of travel mode choice is an important task in transportation planning and policy
making in order to understand and predict travel demands. While advances in machine …

Influence of weather conditions on transit ridership: A statistical study using data from Smartcards

P Arana, S Cabezudo, M Peñalba - … research part A: policy and practice, 2014 - Elsevier
This paper analyses the influence of meteorological conditions on the number of public bus
trips made for leisure, shop** and personal business in Gipuzkoa, Spain. The ridership …

Investigating the impacts of weather variability on individual's daily activity–travel patterns: A comparison between commuters and non-commuters in Sweden

C Liu, YO Susilo, A Karlström - Transportation Research Part A: Policy and …, 2015 - Elsevier
Understanding travel behaviour change under various weather conditions can help analysts
and policy makers incorporate the uniqueness of local weather and climate within their …

Impacts of adverse weather on Arctic road transport

KG Bardal - Journal of transport geography, 2017 - Elsevier
Arctic regions are geographically peripheral and characterized by cold climate, constantly
changing weather conditions and strong seasonal variations. This article examines …

An Activity‐Based Travel Personalization Tool Driven by the Genetic Algorithm

AE Dingil, D Esztergár-Kiss - Journal of Advanced …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
The necessity for an external control mechanism that optimizes daily urban trips becomes
evident when considering numerous factors at play within a complex environment. This …

Impact of weather conditions on travel demand–the most common research methods and applied models

D Petrović, I Ivanović, V Đorić, J Jović - Promet-Traffic&Transportation, 2020 -
Sažetak This paper presents an overview of the applied research methodologies and
developed travel demand models that take weather impact into account. The paper deals …

Weather conditions as cross-sectional moderators of the associations between the physical environment and walking behavior in the Netherlands

J Gao, D Wang, D Ettema, M Helbich - International journal of …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
There is increasing evidence that people's walking behavior is linked to the physical
environment to which they are exposed. However, whether this association is moderated …

Role of income on travel behavior in polluted air

S Kim, Y Ko, K Jang - Journal of Transport & Health, 2023 - Elsevier
Introduction Polluted air causes health problems and disrupts people's daily lives. Under
polluted air conditions, people's travel behavior tends to change, and this can be different by …