Pengaruh likuiditas, struktur modal, ukuran perusahaan, prospek pertumbuhan, kualitas audit terhadap kualitas laba perusahaan batu bara
CF Wijaya - Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen Akuntansi dan …, 2020 -
Financial statements are a means used by company's management to communicate
financial information to its users in order to assist decision making. Company's management …
financial information to its users in order to assist decision making. Company's management …
[PDF][PDF] Corporate governance and income smoothing in the Nigerian deposit money banks
IJ Manukaji - International Journal of Business & Law …, 2018 -
This work examined corporate governance mechanism and income smoothing in deposit
money banks in Nigeria. This study became necessary following the increasing failures of …
money banks in Nigeria. This study became necessary following the increasing failures of …
The effect of profitability and financial leverage on cost of debt moderated earnings management
H Ruslim, R Muspyta - Jurnal Ekonomi, 2021 -
This study aims to determine the effect of profitability and Financial Leverage on the Cost of
Debt, and the role of Earnings Management as a moderating variable. In this study …
Debt, and the role of Earnings Management as a moderating variable. In this study …
A study of accountants' whistle-blowing intention: evidence from Iran
The present research is aimed at identifying the most important variables affecting whistle-
blowing and prioritise them in the intention of internal reporting of frauds in the financial …
blowing and prioritise them in the intention of internal reporting of frauds in the financial …
[PDF][PDF] Can effective tax rates mediate the effect of profitability and debts on income smoothing?
E Savitri - Problems and Perspectives in Management, 2019 -
The management of the company must be capable of providing better financial information
for the users of the financial report. The users of the financial report notice the performance …
for the users of the financial report. The users of the financial report notice the performance …
Do companies with female on the board have effects on the earning management? Evidence Indonesia manufacturing listed firms
T Trisanti - European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2021 -
This study aims to examine the influence of the presence of women on the board such as
chief executive officer, chief financial officer and chief audit committee on the earning …
chief executive officer, chief financial officer and chief audit committee on the earning …
Discretionary Accounting Choice and Management Opportunistic Behavior to Manage Income
T Trisanti - Jurnal Akuntansi dan Keuangan, 2019 -
Income smoothing (IS) practice is" the smoothing of fluctuations company income levels that
are considered normal for company". IS manipulation has a clear goal, which is to generate …
are considered normal for company". IS manipulation has a clear goal, which is to generate …
Income smoothing and financial performance of listed deposit money banks in Nigeria
A Muhammad - International Journal Of All Research Writings, 2019 -
This study examines the impact of income smoothing on the financial performance of listed
deposit money banks in Nigeria. Data were extracted from the annual report and accounts of …
deposit money banks in Nigeria. Data were extracted from the annual report and accounts of …
[PDF][PDF] Detecting earnings management via statistical and neural network techniques
Predicting earnings management is vital for the capital market participants, financial analysts
and managers. The aim of this research is attempting to respond to this query: Is there a …
and managers. The aim of this research is attempting to respond to this query: Is there a …
[PDF][PDF] The Moderating Role of Corporate Governance on the Relationship between a Firm's Product Lifecycle and Risk-Taking.
Management accounting theories claim that firms experience different risks during different
stages of a product's lifecycle. This study examines the moderating role of corporate …
stages of a product's lifecycle. This study examines the moderating role of corporate …