[HTML][HTML] Permeability prediction for the meso–macro coupling in the simulation of the impregnation stage of Resin Transfer Moulding
The impregnation stage of the Resin Transfer Moulding process can be simulated by solving
the Darcy equations on a mould model, with a 'macro-scale'finite element method. For every …
the Darcy equations on a mould model, with a 'macro-scale'finite element method. For every …
[HTML][HTML] Influence of stochastic variations in the fibre spacing on the permeability of bi-directional textile fabrics
To predict the range of probable outcomes of resin injections in LCM processes for non-
uniform textiles, a stochastic injection simulation procedure is implemented. Continuous …
uniform textiles, a stochastic injection simulation procedure is implemented. Continuous …
[HTML][HTML] On the variability of mesoscale permeability of a 2/2 twill carbon fabric induced by variability of the internal geometry
This paper incorporates geometric variability in the determination of permeability, using
distributions and spatial correlations of yarn spacing, width and thickness and distortions of …
distributions and spatial correlations of yarn spacing, width and thickness and distortions of …
[HTML][HTML] Influence of stochastic fibre angle variations on the permeability of bi-directional textile fabrics
To predict the range of probable outcomes of resin injections in Liquid Composites Moulding
(LCM) processes for non-uniform textiles, a stochastic injection simulation procedure has …
(LCM) processes for non-uniform textiles, a stochastic injection simulation procedure has …
Structural characterization of self-assembled monolayers of organosilanes chemically bonded onto silica wafers by dynamical force microscopy
S Navarre, F Choplin, J Bousbaa, B Bennetau, L Nony… - Langmuir, 2001 - ACS Publications
In this paper, a dynamical force microscopy study of self-assembled monolayers of
organosilanes, grafted onto a silica support, is reported. Organosilanes, terminated either …
organosilanes, grafted onto a silica support, is reported. Organosilanes, terminated either …
Influence des déformations d'un renfort fibreux sur sa perméabilité: modélisations et expériences
B Laine - 2008 - pastel.hal.science
La fabrication de pièces composites géométriquement complexes et de grande dimension
est une orientation actuelle forte de nombreux secteurs industriels. L'injection de la résine …
est une orientation actuelle forte de nombreux secteurs industriels. L'injection de la résine …
Computation of permeability of textile with experimental validation for monofilament and non crimp fabrics
For the manufacturing of composite materials with textile reinforcement, the permeability of
the textile is a key characteristic. Using Darcy's law the permeability can be derived from a …
the textile is a key characteristic. Using Darcy's law the permeability can be derived from a …
[PDF][PDF] Homogenisierte Gleichungen der Strömungsmechanik in porösen Medien mit Anwendung auf Permeabilitätsberechnungen in Textilien
M Klitz - 2006 - ins.uni-bonn.de
Flow simulations in porous media have a very wide range of environmental and industrial
applicability. They are an important tool in fields such as ground water hydrology, civil …
applicability. They are an important tool in fields such as ground water hydrology, civil …
[PDF][PDF] Correlated Permeability Distribution: Mould Filling Simulations Versus Experimental Results
This paper describes the comparison between the simulation results and experiments for a
basic liquid moulding process. In the simulation, the uncertainty valid for the permeability of …
basic liquid moulding process. In the simulation, the uncertainty valid for the permeability of …
[کتاب][B] Addressing variability of fiber preform permeability in process design for liquid composite molding
HS Sas - 2015 - search.proquest.com
Abstract In Liquid Composite Molding (LCM) processes, reinforcing glass, carbon or Kevlar
fiber preforms are placed in a mold cavity and a liquid resin is introduced to cover the …
fiber preforms are placed in a mold cavity and a liquid resin is introduced to cover the …