Scientists' warning of threats to mountains
Mountains are an essential component of the global life-support system. They are
characterized by a rugged, heterogenous landscape with rapidly changing environmental …
characterized by a rugged, heterogenous landscape with rapidly changing environmental …
Landscape modification and habitat fragmentation: a synthesis
Landscape modification and habitat fragmentation are key drivers of global species loss.
Their effects may be understood by focusing on:(1) individual species and the processes …
Their effects may be understood by focusing on:(1) individual species and the processes …
Movement responses by wolves to industrial linear features and their effect on woodland caribou in northeastern Alberta
Woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) populations are declining across most of
their range. Predation by wolves (Canis lupus) is believed to be the main proximate cause of …
their range. Predation by wolves (Canis lupus) is believed to be the main proximate cause of …
Tackling the habitat fragmentation panchreston
The term 'habitat fragmentation'is often used inconsistently and as a broad umbrella for
many patterns and processes that accompany landscape change. This has made it a …
many patterns and processes that accompany landscape change. This has made it a …
Habitat loss accelerates for the endangered woodland caribou in western Canada
Habitat loss is often the ultimate cause of species endangerment and is also a leading factor
inhibiting species recovery. For this reason, species‐at‐risk legislation, policies and plans …
inhibiting species recovery. For this reason, species‐at‐risk legislation, policies and plans …
Human land use, agriculture, pesticides and losses of imperiled species
KE Gibbs, RL Mackey, DJ Currie - Diversity and Distributions, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
Aim Anthropogenic habitat loss is usually cited as the most important cause of recent
species' extinctions. We ask whether species losses are in fact more closely related to …
species' extinctions. We ask whether species losses are in fact more closely related to …
Quantifying forest disturbance regimes within caribou (Rangifer tarandus) range in British Columbia
Habitat disturbance is a major driver of the decline of woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus
caribou) in Canada. Different disturbance agents and regimes negatively impact caribou …
caribou) in Canada. Different disturbance agents and regimes negatively impact caribou …
[HTML][HTML] GIS-based cropland suitability prediction using machine learning: A novel approach to sustainable agricultural production
The increasing global demand for food has forced farmers to produce higher crop yields in
order to keep up with population growth, while maintaining sustainable production for the …
order to keep up with population growth, while maintaining sustainable production for the …
What makes an effective restoration planting for woodland birds?
Large-scale vegetation clearing accompanying agricultural development has been a major
driver of biodiversity loss. Efforts to reverse this problem have often included revegetation …
driver of biodiversity loss. Efforts to reverse this problem have often included revegetation …
Plant–animal interactions in the era of environmental DNA (eDNA)—a review
Plant–animal interactions (PAI) represent major channels of energy transfer through
ecosystems, where both positive and antagonistic interactions simultaneously contribute to …
ecosystems, where both positive and antagonistic interactions simultaneously contribute to …