Lean supply chain management and Industry 4.0: a systematic literature review
Purpose Even though the integration of Lean Supply Chain Management (LSCM) and
Industry 4.0 (I4. 0) technologies is relatively recent, it has been receiving a lot of attention …
Industry 4.0 (I4. 0) technologies is relatively recent, it has been receiving a lot of attention …
A systematic literature review on recent lean research: state‐of‐the‐art and future directions
Lean management (LM) has attracted the interest of scientists and practitioners since 1990,
when Womack et al.(Womack, JP, Jones, DT and Roos, D.(1990). The Machine that …
when Womack et al.(Womack, JP, Jones, DT and Roos, D.(1990). The Machine that …
[HTML][HTML] Implementing lean manufacturing for improvement of operational performance in a labeling and packaging plant: A case study in Bangladesh
Under the given intensified competition in real-world markets and increased customer
requirements, manufacturers are subjected to adopt value-added techniques in their …
requirements, manufacturers are subjected to adopt value-added techniques in their …
[PDF][PDF] The impact of using different lean manufacturing tools on waste reduction.
ABSTRACTARTICLEINFO Lean and green production was introduced to the western
manufacturing industry nearly thirty years ago. The essence of the new business model was …
manufacturing industry nearly thirty years ago. The essence of the new business model was …
Lean manufacturing: literature review and research issues
Purpose–The advent of recession at the beginning of twenty-first century forced many
organizations worldwide to reduce cost and to be more responsive to customer demands …
organizations worldwide to reduce cost and to be more responsive to customer demands …
An investigation on lean-green implementation practices in Indian SMEs using analytical hierarchy process (AHP) approach
In order to be competitive, small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) should focus, not only
towards their performance in operational dimension, but they need to integrate the …
towards their performance in operational dimension, but they need to integrate the …
Critical success factors for implementing lean production: the effect of contingencies
To facilitate the implementation of lean production, practitioners and researchers have
suggested an array of critical success factors (CSFs). However, despite a broad consensus …
suggested an array of critical success factors (CSFs). However, despite a broad consensus …
[HTML][HTML] Lean implementation in small and medium enterprises: Literature review
There have been many literature reviews carried out on Lean implementation (LI) in larger
organisations with specific focus on the automobile industry. Lean implementation among …
organisations with specific focus on the automobile industry. Lean implementation among …
Lean implementation within SMEs: a literature review
Purpose–Lean business ideology has been one of the recent dominant research areas in
operations management. However, there is a dearth of research focusing on Lean in small …
operations management. However, there is a dearth of research focusing on Lean in small …
Lean implementation in small-and medium-sized enterprises: An empirical study of Indian manufacturing firms
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine the extent to which lean management
practices are adopted by small-and medium-sized manufacturing organizations in India and …
practices are adopted by small-and medium-sized manufacturing organizations in India and …