Learning analytics dashboard: a tool for providing actionable insights to learners
T Susnjak, GS Ramaswami, A Mathrani - International Journal of …, 2022 - Springer
This study investigates current approaches to learning analytics (LA) dashboarding while
highlighting challenges faced by education providers in their operationalization. We analyze …
highlighting challenges faced by education providers in their operationalization. We analyze …
Visualization of learning for students: A dashboard for study progress–development, design details, implementation, and user feedback
Abstract At Graz University of Technology (TU Graz, Austria), the learning management
system based on Moodle (https://moodle. org/–last accessed February 10, 2021) is called …
system based on Moodle (https://moodle. org/–last accessed February 10, 2021) is called …
[КНИГА][B] Learning Analytics in Hochschulen und Künstliche Intelligenz. Eine Übersicht über Einsatzmöglichkeiten, erste Erfahrungen und Entwicklungen von KI …
» Learning Analytics «ist die Interpretation von Daten, um individuelle
Lernprozessegezieltzuverbessern (Ebneretal., 2013; Greller&Drachsler, 2012). Learning …
Lernprozessegezieltzuverbessern (Ebneretal., 2013; Greller&Drachsler, 2012). Learning …
The role of consumption in the identity formation of conservative women: A web analytics and netnographic exploration
A Kar, R Kamasak, B Yalcinkaya - Analytics enabled decision making, 2023 - Springer
The use of big data in decision-making has been burgeoning due to its significant potential
to predict the possible shifts, tendencies and trends in social and economic behaviours …
to predict the possible shifts, tendencies and trends in social and economic behaviours …
MOOCs, Learning Analytics and OER: An Impactful Trio for the Future of Education!
This paper discusses the general thesis that massive open online courses (in short MOOC),
open educational resources (in short OER) and learning analytics are an impactful trio for …
open educational resources (in short OER) and learning analytics are an impactful trio for …
Learning with videos and quiz attempts: Explorative insights into behavior and patterns of MOOC participants
Many MOOCs use units with videos and quizzes, where a successful attempt after several
tries is the basis for a MOOC certificate. A first in-depth analysis of quiz behavior within a …
tries is the basis for a MOOC certificate. A first in-depth analysis of quiz behavior within a …
Develo** Data Analytics Support for Creative Learning Web Framework
A Morye, N Dudheliya, A Jain, J Jha… - … and Smart Systems …, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Online learning has witnessed significant growth in recent years, accompanied by an
increased utilization of learning analytics. While recent techniques such as analyzing page …
increased utilization of learning analytics. While recent techniques such as analyzing page …
Framework para construção de objetos de aprendizagem com learning analytics
JPD Guterres - 2021 - tede2.pucrs.br
RESUMO O uso de técnicas de Learning Analytics tem se destacado como uma alternativa
para compreender melhor o comportamento e a performance dos alunos em ambientes …
para compreender melhor o comportamento e a performance dos alunos em ambientes …
Learning Analytics in Hochschulen und Künstliche Intelligenz. Eine Übersicht über Einsatzmöglichkeiten, erste Erfahrungen und Entwicklungen von KI …
S Schön - degruyter.com
» Learning Analytics «ist die Interpretation von Daten, um individuelle
Lernprozessegezieltzuverbessern (Ebneretal., 2013; Greller&Drachsler, 2012). Learning …
Lernprozessegezieltzuverbessern (Ebneretal., 2013; Greller&Drachsler, 2012). Learning …
[PDF][PDF] Eine Ubersicht über Einsatzmöglichkeiten, erste Erfahrungen
» Learning Analytics «ist die Interpretation von Daten, um individuelle Lernprozesse
gezieltzu verbessern (Ebneret al., 2o13; Greller 8 Drachsler; 2o12). Learning-Analytics …
gezieltzu verbessern (Ebneret al., 2o13; Greller 8 Drachsler; 2o12). Learning-Analytics …