[HTML][HTML] Recognition of peat depositional environments in coal: A review

S Dai, A Bechtel, CF Eble, RM Flores, D French… - International Journal of …, 2020 - Elsevier
Peat depositional environments, the sites where and conditions under which peat
accumulates, significantly influence a resultant coal's physical properties, chemical …

Redox-sensitive trace metals as paleoredox proxies: A review and analysis of data from modern sediments

WW Bennett, DE Canfield - Earth-Science Reviews, 2020 - Elsevier
Redox-sensitive trace metals have been used extensively as geochemical proxies to infer
the redox-status of marine sediments at the time of their deposition, and by extension, the …

A re-assessment of elemental proxies for paleoredox analysis

TJ Algeo, J Liu - Chemical Geology, 2020 - Elsevier
Paleoredox conditions are commonly evaluated based on elemental proxies but, despite
their frequency of use, most of these proxies have received little comparative evaluation or …

[HTML][HTML] Molybdenum in natural waters: A review of occurrence, distributions and controls

PL Smedley, DG Kinniburgh - Applied Geochemistry, 2017 - Elsevier
Molybdenum is an essential trace element for human, animal and plant health and has
played an important part in the evolution of life on earth. Nonetheless, exposure to the …

The behavior of trace elements in seawater, sedimentary pore water, and their incorporation into carbonate minerals: a review

D Smrzka, J Zwicker, W Bach, D Feng, T Himmler… - Facies, 2019 - Springer
Trace elements are actively cycled in seawater, are essential components for marine life,
and are transported to the seafloor where they can become enriched in marine sediments …

Total organic carbon, organic phosphorus, and biogenic barium fluxes as proxies for paleomarine productivity

SD Schoepfer, J Shen, H Wei, RV Tyson, E Ingall… - Earth-Science …, 2015 - Elsevier
Although marine productivity is a key parameter in the global carbon cycle, reliable
estimation of productivity in ancient marine systems has proven difficult. In this study, we …

Iron isotope systematics

N Dauphas, SG John, O Rouxel - Reviews in Mineralogy …, 2017 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Iron Isotope Systematics | Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry | GeoScienceWorld
Skip to Main Content GeoScienceWorld GeoScienceWorld Close Journals Books GeoRef …

Geochemistry of oceanic anoxic events

HC Jenkyns - Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
Oceanic anoxic events (OAEs) record profound changes in the climatic and
paleoceanographic state of the planet and represent major disturbances in the global …

Analysis of marine environmental conditions based onmolybdenum–uranium covariation—Applications to Mesozoic paleoceanography

N Tribovillard, TJ Algeo, F Baudin, A Riboulleau - Chemical Geology, 2012 - Elsevier
Patterns of uranium–molybdenum covariation in marine sediments have the potential to
provide insights regarding depositional conditions and processes in paleoceanographic …

Sufficient oxygen for animal respiration 1,400 million years ago

S Zhang, X Wang, H Wang, CJ Bjerrum… - Proceedings of the …, 2016 - pnas.org
The Mesoproterozoic Eon [1,600–1,000 million years ago (Ma)] is emerging as a key interval
in Earth history, with a unique geochemical history that might have influenced the course of …