Child labor
In recent years, there has been an astonishing proliferation of empirical work on child labor.
An Econlit search of keywords “child lab* r” reveals a total of 6 peer reviewed journal articles …
An Econlit search of keywords “child lab* r” reveals a total of 6 peer reviewed journal articles …
[ספר][B] Drop** Out from School: A Cross Country Review of the Literature. Create Pathways to Access. Research Monograph, No. 16.
F Hunt - 2008 - ERIC
This paper provides an in-depth review and analysis of literature on drop** out from
school, and focuses on children who have gained access, but fail to complete a basic …
school, and focuses on children who have gained access, but fail to complete a basic …
[PDF][PDF] Factors contributing to school dropout among the girls: A review of literature
SM Shahidul, A Karim - European Journal of research and reflection in …, 2015 - Citeseer
Though a lot of research have been concerned with school dropout issue for both girls and
boys, dropout pattern significantly differs by the gender of the students. This paper clarifies …
boys, dropout pattern significantly differs by the gender of the students. This paper clarifies …
Poverty alleviation and child labor
Poor women with children in Ecuador were selected at random for a cash transfer that is less
than 20 percent of median child labor earnings. Poor families with children in school at the …
than 20 percent of median child labor earnings. Poor families with children in school at the …
Effects of household-and district-level factors on primary school enrollment in 30 develo** countries
Household-and district-level determinants of primary school enrollment are studied for
220,000 children in 340 districts of 30 develo** countries using multilevel analysis …
220,000 children in 340 districts of 30 develo** countries using multilevel analysis …
School attendance in Nigeria: Understanding the impact and intersection of gender, urban-rural residence, and socioeconomic status
A Kazeem, L Jensen, CS Stokes - Comparative education …, 2010 - journals.uchicago.edu
International development agencies, policy makers, and scholars alike have often promoted
and emphasized the importance of formal education for children in develo** countries …
and emphasized the importance of formal education for children in develo** countries …
Winning the oil lottery: The impact of natural resource extraction on growth
This paper provides evidence of the causal impact of oil discoveries on local development.
Novel data covering the universe of oil wells drilled in Brazil allow us to exploit a quasi …
Novel data covering the universe of oil wells drilled in Brazil allow us to exploit a quasi …
Typology of school dropout: The dimensions and dynamics of dropout in Ghana
This paper explores the dropout experience of children who dropped out of schools located
in two rural communities1 in the Central Region of Ghana. The main research question …
in two rural communities1 in the Central Region of Ghana. The main research question …
Who models the world? Collaborative ontology creation and user roles in Wikidata
Wikidata is a collaborative knowledge graph which is central to many academic and industry
IT projects. Its users are responsible for maintaining the schema that organises this …
IT projects. Its users are responsible for maintaining the schema that organises this …
Household access to microcredit and child work in rural Malawi
This paper examines the effect of household access to microcredit upon work by 7–11-year-
old children in rural Malawi. Given that microcredit organizations foster household …
old children in rural Malawi. Given that microcredit organizations foster household …