Microeconometrics with partial identification
F Molinari - Handbook of econometrics, 2020 - Elsevier
This chapter reviews the microeconometrics literature on partial identification, focusing on
the developments of the last thirty years. The topics presented illustrate that the available …
the developments of the last thirty years. The topics presented illustrate that the available …
Nonparametric identification
RL Matzkin - Handbook of econometrics, 2007 - Elsevier
When one wants to estimate a model without specifying the functions and distributions
parametrically, or when one wants to analyze the identification of a model independently of …
parametrically, or when one wants to analyze the identification of a model independently of …
The winner's curse, reserve prices, and endogenous entry: Empirical insights from eBay auctions
Internet auctions have recently gained widespread popularity and are one of the most
successful forms of electronic commerce. We examine a unique dataset of eBay coin …
successful forms of electronic commerce. We examine a unique dataset of eBay coin …
Identification and estimation of triangular simultaneous equations models without additivity
This paper uses control variables to identify and estimate models with nonseparable,
multidimensional disturbances. Triangular simultaneous equations models are considered …
multidimensional disturbances. Triangular simultaneous equations models are considered …
An empirical model of firm entry with endogenous product‐type choices
K Seim - The RAND Journal of Economics, 2006 - Wiley Online Library
I describe a model of entry with endogenous product‐type choices. These choices are
formalized as the outcomes of a game of incomplete information in which rivals' …
formalized as the outcomes of a game of incomplete information in which rivals' …
Micro data, heterogeneity, and the evaluation of public policy: Nobel lecture
JJ Heckman - Journal of political Economy, 2001 - journals.uchicago.edu
This paper summarizes the contributions of microeconometrics to economic knowledge.
Four main themes are developed.(1) Microeconometricians developed new tools to respond …
Four main themes are developed.(1) Microeconometricians developed new tools to respond …
Comparing open and sealed bid auctions: Evidence from timber auctions
We study entry and bidding patterns in sealed bid and open auctions. Using data from the
US Forest Service timber auctions, we document a set of systematic effects: sealed bid …
US Forest Service timber auctions, we document a set of systematic effects: sealed bid …
Economic insights from internet auctions
This paper surveys recent studies of internet auctions. Four main areas of research are
summarized. First, we survey several studies that document and attempt to explain the …
summarized. First, we survey several studies that document and attempt to explain the …
Inference with an incomplete model of English auctions
PA Haile, E Tamer - Journal of Political Economy, 2003 - journals.uchicago.edu
While English auctions are the most common in practice, their rules typically lack sufficient
structure to yield a tractable theoretical model without significant abstractions. Rather than …
structure to yield a tractable theoretical model without significant abstractions. Rather than …
Bid preference programs and participation in highway procurement auctions
E Krasnokutskaya, K Seim - American Economic Review, 2011 - aeaweb.org
We use data from highway procurement auctions subject to California's Small Business
Preference program to study the effect of bid preferences on auction outcomes. Our analysis …
Preference program to study the effect of bid preferences on auction outcomes. Our analysis …