Ensuring child-friendly learning environments in Nigerian Early Childhood Centers

MC Ekeh, R Venketsamy - The education systems of Africa, 2021 - Springer
All children have the right to a safe environment and the right to access quality education. A
safe environment is the platform for all children to strive toward success to achieve …

Knowledge and Perception of School Social Work Services among Parents Teachers Association (PTA) and its Implication to Community and Sustainable …

SO Okafor, EMC Izueke, EO Okoye… - Italian Journal of …, 2022 - ijse.padovauniversitypress.it
Social work service in the school setting is one of the facilitating factors to improved
educational system especially as obtainable in the developed nations. However, in the …

[HTML][HTML] Psychosocial Educational and Economic Impact of COVID-19: Implication for Girl Child Education through Social Studies in Northeast Nigeria

A Mumini - Psychosocial, Educational, and Economic Impacts of …, 2023 - intechopen.com
The main purpose of this chapter is to examine the psychosocial educational and economic
impact of COVID-19 and implication for girl child education through social studies in …

Refugee students' psychological challenges and management mechanisms: An exploratory study

EE Danso - African Journal of Sociological and Psychological …, 2023 - journals.co.za
Students at all levels of education face psychological, sociocultural, emotional, physical, or a
combination of these challenges as they progress through the academic ladder. This …

Effect of Transactional Analysis on the Psychosocial Challenges of Secondary School Adolescents

B Ayodeji, LS Bola, EA Benjamin - Journal of Nonformal …, 2022 - journal.unnes.ac.id
This study examined the effect of Transactional Analysis on the psychosocial challenges of
adolescence. Two research hypotheses were made to guide the study. The sample …

[PDF][PDF] yelbi et al (2021). Psychosocial Challenges and Their Effects on Senior High School Students in the Nanumba Municipality of Ghana

N John - J Adv Educ Philos, 2021 - saudijournals.com
The study explored the psychosocial challenges and their effect on the academic pursuit of
196 Senior High School students in the Nanumba North Municipality of Ghana using the …

[PDF][PDF] Adjustment of Students to the Tertiary Landscape: The Dynamic Influence of Psychosocial Education

J Asamoah-Gyawu, MK Owusu… - Asian J. Educ. Soc …, 2023 - researchgate.net
Aims: The study examined the influence of psychosocial education on students' adjustment
to the tertiary landscape. Two research questions guided the study. A cross-sectional survey …

The Psychosocial Challenges of Female Secondary School Students in Abeokuta Metropolis: Implications for Mental Health Counsellors

A Odebode - Applied Psychology Review, 2023 - journals.umt.edu.pk
The period of adolescence is associated with several dramatic changes and life challenges
particularly among female secondary school students. This study, therefore, investigated the …

Assessing the organisational capabilities of youth-serving NGOs in the context of youth poverty alleviation in Nigeria

I Igbinakhase, V Naidoo - Commonwealth Youth Dev, 2018 - journals.co.za
The purpose of the study that was conducted was to investigate the organisational
capabilities of youth-serving non-governmental organisations in the context of youth poverty …

Psychosocial challenges faced by learners and the Neglect of School Social Work in Zimbabwe

D Machimbidza, J Makhubele - Technium Soc. Sci. J., 2021 - HeinOnline
Learners face a number of challenges in their eco-systems ranging from family related
problems, bullying and ill-treatment at school. This study sought to examine the …