[HTML][HTML] Advances in active suspension systems for road vehicles

M Yu, SA Evangelou, D Dini - Engineering, 2023 - Elsevier
Active suspension systems (ASSs) have been proposed and developed for a few decades,
and have now once again become a thriving topic in both academia and industry, due to the …

An approach for minimizing the number of objective functions in the optimization of vehicle suspension systems

G Papaioannou, D Koulocheris - Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2018 - Elsevier
In recent studies, the suspension parameters of a vehicle model are estimated using multi-
objective optimization procedures with genetic algorithms in order to overcome the well …

Dynamic performance analysis of vehicle seats with embedded negative stiffness elements

G Papaioannou, A Voutsinas, D Koulocheris… - Vehicle system …, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
Various vibration isolators using negative stiffness elements have been proposed in order to
improve ride comfort of passengers in vehicles. In this paper, five different ones are …

[HTML][HTML] Study on the influence of bus suspension parameters on ride comfort

LX Long, LV Quynh, BV Cuong - Vibroengineering Procedia, 2018 - extrica.com
This study proposes a three-dimensional vibration model of bus with 10 DOF (degree of
freedom) based on Dragan Sekulić model to analyze the suspension parameters directly …

Comparative vibration isolation assessment of two seat suspension models with different negative stiffness structure

Y ** in a Semi-Active Car Suspension System with Various Locations of Masses
A Čerškus, V Ušinskis, N Šešok, I Il**, V Bučinskas - Applied Sciences, 2023 - mdpi.com
The key request for a vehicle suspension system is vibration control and decreasing the
actual inertia forces. This ensures ride comfort for the crew and influences the fatigue level of …

[PDF][PDF] Optimization of automobile active suspension system using minimal order

SA Finecomes, FL Gebre, AM Mesene… - International Journal of …, 2022 - academia.edu
This paper presents an analysis and design of linear quadratic regulator for reduced order
full car suspension model incorporating the dynamics of the actuator to improve system …