Seismic wave attenuation and dispersion resulting from wave-induced flow in porous rocks—A review
One major cause of elastic wave attenuation in heterogeneous porous media is wave-
induced flow of the pore fluid between heterogeneities of various scales. It is believed that …
induced flow of the pore fluid between heterogeneities of various scales. It is believed that …
Surface-wave analysis for building near-surface velocity models—Established approaches and new perspectives
Today, surface-wave analysis is widely adopted for building near-surface S-wave velocity
models. The surface-wave method is under continuous and rapid evolution, also thanks to …
models. The surface-wave method is under continuous and rapid evolution, also thanks to …
Guidelines for the good practice of surface wave analysis: a product of the InterPACIFIC project
Surface wave methods gained in the past decades a primary role in many seismic projects.
Specifically, they are often used to retrieve a 1D shear wave velocity model or to estimate …
Specifically, they are often used to retrieve a 1D shear wave velocity model or to estimate …
[KNYGA][B] Surface wave methods for near-surface site characterization
Develop a Greater Understanding of How and Why Surface Wave Testing Works Using
examples and case studies directly drawn from the authors' experience, Surface Wave …
examples and case studies directly drawn from the authors' experience, Surface Wave …
Measured vs. predicted site response at the Garner Valley Downhole Array considering shear wave velocity uncertainty from borehole and surface wave methods
This paper compares measured and predicted site response at the Garner Valley Downhole
Array (GVDA) using a wide range of shear wave velocity (Vs) profiles developed from both …
Array (GVDA) using a wide range of shear wave velocity (Vs) profiles developed from both …