[HTML][HTML] A symmetric interior-penalty discontinuous Galerkin isogeometric analysis spatial discretization of the self-adjoint angular flux form of the neutron transport …
SG Wilson, MD Eaton, J Kópházi - Computer Methods in Applied …, 2024 - Elsevier
This paper presents the first application of a symmetric interior-penalty discontinuous
Galerkin isogeometric analysis (SIP-DG-IGA) spatial discretization to the self-adjoint angular …
Galerkin isogeometric analysis (SIP-DG-IGA) spatial discretization to the self-adjoint angular …
Energy-Dependent, Self-Adaptive Mesh h(p)-Refinement of an Interior-Penalty Scheme for a Discontinuous Galerkin Isogeometric Analysis Spatial Discretization of …
SG Wilson, MD Eaton, J Kópházi - Journal of Computational and …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Energy-dependent self-adaptive mesh refinement algorithms are developed for a symmetric
interior-penalty scheme for a discontinuous Galerkin spatial discretization of the multi-group …
interior-penalty scheme for a discontinuous Galerkin spatial discretization of the multi-group …
A study of DG methods for diffusion using the combined-mode analysis
In this paper, we study the effects of the penalty parameters on the accuracy (in terms of the
wavenumber-diffusion properties) for several popular discontinuous Galerkin (DG) viscous …
wavenumber-diffusion properties) for several popular discontinuous Galerkin (DG) viscous …
Nurbs enhanced virtual element methods for the spatial discretization of the multigroup neutron diffusion equation on curvilinear polygonal meshes
JA Ferguson, J Kópházi, MD Eaton - Journal of Computational and …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
Abstract The Continuous Galerkin Virtual Element Method (CG-VEM) is a recent innovation
in spatial discretization methods that can solve partial differential equations (PDEs) using …
in spatial discretization methods that can solve partial differential equations (PDEs) using …
[PDF][PDF] Self-adaptive isogeometric spatial discretisations of the first and second-order forms of the neutron transport equation with dual-weighted residual error …
SG Wilson - 2021 - core.ac.uk
These AMR algorithms are shown to be computationally efficient and numerically accurate
when compared to standard approaches. IGA methods are very competitive and offer certain …
when compared to standard approaches. IGA methods are very competitive and offer certain …
Interior penalty schemes for discontinuous isogeometric methods with an application to nuclear reactor physics
SG Wilson, J Kópházi… - International …, 2018 - asmedigitalcollection.asme.org
Until recently, interior penalty methods have been applied to elliptic operators using an
approach based on the mass matrix of finite elements that possess a constant Jacobian. In …
approach based on the mass matrix of finite elements that possess a constant Jacobian. In …
[HTML][HTML] Diffusion synthetic acceleration with the fine mesh rebalance of the subcell balance method with tetrahedral meshes for SN transport calculations
H Muhammad, SG Hong - Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 2020 - Elsevier
A diffusion synthetic acceleration (DSA) technique for the SN transport equation discretized
with the linear discontinuous expansion method with subcell balance (LDEM-SCB) on …
with the linear discontinuous expansion method with subcell balance (LDEM-SCB) on …
On the accuracy and stability of various DG formulations for diffusion
M Alhawwary, ZJ Wang - ar** and analyzing efficient numerical
models and methods for describing wave propagation phenomena in thermo-poroelastic …
models and methods for describing wave propagation phenomena in thermo-poroelastic …