Environmental ethics in local knowledge responding to climate change: An understanding of seasonal traditional calendar pranotomongso and its phenology in Karst …
Ethics concern on human relation to nature, where people are considered as moral agents
due to their conscience. Water and land are provided by nature to be explored and …
due to their conscience. Water and land are provided by nature to be explored and …
[PDF][PDF] A sustain ability index for karst environments
With growing populations and ever increasing pressure on resources, the need to live
sustainably with our environment has increased in significance. When considering such …
sustainably with our environment has increased in significance. When considering such …
Household and farm attributes affecting adoption of smallholder timber management practices by tree growers in Gunungkidul region, Indonesia
G Sabastian, P Kanowski, D Race, E Williams… - Agroforestry …, 2014 - Springer
Farm household characteristics determine the success of programs promoting agroforestry
systems and practices. This paper reports household and farm factors affecting the adoption …
systems and practices. This paper reports household and farm factors affecting the adoption …
Drought Disaster Causes and Their Proposed Adaptation Strategies around Karst Areas in Gunungkidul Regency, Indonesia: A Review.
Abstract Gunungkidul Regency, one of Indonesia's karst regions, frequently experiences
droughts. This study aims to investigate the causes of drought disasters and provide …
droughts. This study aims to investigate the causes of drought disasters and provide …
Groundwater and livelihood in Gunungsewu karst area, Indonesia
Gunungsewu is the most densely populated karst area in Indonesia. The area experience
severe water scarcity due to difficult groundwater access. The area experience limited water …
severe water scarcity due to difficult groundwater access. The area experience limited water …
Ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants in karst environment in Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Nahdi MS, Kurniawan AP. 2019. Ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants in karst
environment in Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Nusantara Bioscience 11: 133-141 …
environment in Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Nusantara Bioscience 11: 133-141 …
Identification and potential of vascular plants in the karst ecosystem of Somopuro Cave, Pacitan, East Java, Indonesia
A SEPTIASARI, M BALGIS, MN LATHIFAH… - International Journal of …, 2021 - smujo.id
Septiasari A, Balgis M, Lathifah MN, Hanugroho PD, Setyawan AD. 2021. Identification and
potential of vascular plants in the karst ecosystem of Somopuro Cave, Pacitan, East Java …
potential of vascular plants in the karst ecosystem of Somopuro Cave, Pacitan, East Java …
Karst and conservation research in Indonesia and its implication to education
Indonesia hosts a vast area of karst landscapes that expand from the island of Sumatra to
Papua. Along with the implementation of the World Heritage List and Global Geopark …
Papua. Along with the implementation of the World Heritage List and Global Geopark …
Analisis transisi lahan di kabupaten gunungkidul dengan citra penginderaan jauh multi temporal
Kabupaten Gunungkidul dulu terkenal tandus kering gersang pada tahun 1940-1970-an
tetapi kini telah menjadi hijau kembali. Proses ini disebut dengan proses transisi. Penelitian …
tetapi kini telah menjadi hijau kembali. Proses ini disebut dengan proses transisi. Penelitian …
Quantifying regional fresh submarine groundwater discharge with the lumped modeling approach CoCa‐rfsgd
MC Hajati, E Sutanudjaja… - Water Resources …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Fresh Submarine Groundwater Discharge (FSGD) has been increasingly
recognized as a fresh water resource and potential path for pollutants to the ocean. Since …
recognized as a fresh water resource and potential path for pollutants to the ocean. Since …