[PDF][PDF] Intersectionality in Education: Rationale and practices to address the needs of students' intersecting identities
S Varsik, J Gorochovskij - OECD Education Working Papers, 2023 - oecd.org
Working Papers describe preliminary results or research in progress by the author (s) and
are published to stimulate discussion on a broad range of issues on which the OECD works …
are published to stimulate discussion on a broad range of issues on which the OECD works …
Conscientiousness as a predictor of the gender gap in academic achievement
In recent decades, female students have been more successful in higher education than
their male counterparts in the United States and other industrialized countries. A promising …
their male counterparts in the United States and other industrialized countries. A promising …
The academic resilience of native and immigrant-origin students in selected European countries
Socio-economic disadvantaged students are not equally vulnerable: some of them are
defined as 'resilient'students because they are able to 'beat the odds' and achieve positive …
defined as 'resilient'students because they are able to 'beat the odds' and achieve positive …
Age at arrival and life chances among childhood immigrants
AS Hermansen - Demography, 2017 - read.dukeupress.edu
This study examines the causal relationship between childhood immigrants' age at arrival
and their life chances as adults. I analyze panel data on siblings from Norwegian …
and their life chances as adults. I analyze panel data on siblings from Norwegian …
Ethnic and social class discrimination in education: Experimental evidence from Germany
Even though social class is at least as predictive of educational achievement as ethnicity in
virtually all developed countries, experimental research on discrimination in education has …
virtually all developed countries, experimental research on discrimination in education has …
Teachers' and preservice teachers' stereotypes, attitudes, and spontaneous judgments of male ethnic minority students
S Glock, I Böhmer - Studies in Educational Evaluation, 2018 - Elsevier
The current research investigated German preservice and experienced teachers' implicit
stereotypes, attitudes, and explicit cognitions with respect to male ethnic minority students …
stereotypes, attitudes, and explicit cognitions with respect to male ethnic minority students …
Positive choices for all? SES-and gender-specific premia of immigrants at educational transitions
J Dollmann - Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 2017 - Elsevier
Although often disadvantaged with respect to educational achievement, immigrants usually
outperform natives at educational decisions, achievement inequalities taken into account …
outperform natives at educational decisions, achievement inequalities taken into account …
[HTML][HTML] Gender employment gap at arrival and its dynamics: The case of refugees in Germany
In recent years, refugee women's experiences have received considerable attention in the
academic discourse on immigrant labor market integration. Taking a dynamic perspective …
academic discourse on immigrant labor market integration. Taking a dynamic perspective …
A further look into ethnicity: The impact of stereotypical expectations on teachers' judgments of female ethnic minority students
H Kleen, S Glock - Social Psychology of Education, 2018 - Springer
Teachers' stereotypes may be one factor that contributes to the disadvantages ethnic
minority students experience in school. According to dual-process theories, teachers have …
minority students experience in school. According to dual-process theories, teachers have …
Norway: Ethnic (In) equality in a social-democratic welfare state
This chapter offers a systematic review of social science research in Norway on ethnic
inequalities in education, from the period 1980–2017. Three broad research traditions are …
inequalities in education, from the period 1980–2017. Three broad research traditions are …