Ecosystem services and disservices of mangrove forests and salt marshes
Coastal wetlands such as mangrove forests and saltmarshes provide a range of important
benefits to people, broadly defined as ecosystem services. These include provisioning …
benefits to people, broadly defined as ecosystem services. These include provisioning …
Effectiveness of ecosystem-based approaches for adaptation: review of the evidence-base
Ecosystem-based approaches for adaptation (EbA) integrate the use of biodiversity and
ecosystem services into an overall strategy for hel** people adapt to climate change. To …
ecosystem services into an overall strategy for hel** people adapt to climate change. To …
The effectiveness, costs and coastal protection benefits of natural and nature-based defences
There is great interest in the restoration and conservation of coastal habitats for protection
from flooding and erosion. This is evidenced by the growing number of analyses and …
from flooding and erosion. This is evidenced by the growing number of analyses and …
Quantifying saltmarsh vegetation and its effect on wave height dissipation: Results from a UK East coast saltmarsh
The degree to which incident wind waves are attenuated over intertidal surfaces is critical to
the development of coastal wetlands, which are, amongst other processes, affected by the …
the development of coastal wetlands, which are, amongst other processes, affected by the …
Does managed coastal realignment create saltmarshes with 'equivalent biological characteristics' to natural reference sites?
Coastal saltmarshes provide distinctive biodiversity and important ecosystem services,
including coastal defence, supporting fisheries and nutrient cycling. However, c. 50% of the …
including coastal defence, supporting fisheries and nutrient cycling. However, c. 50% of the …
Tidal marsh sedimentation and resilience to environmental change: exploratory modelling of tidal, sea-level and sediment supply forcing in predominantly …
The existence and function of tidally dominated and predominantly allochthonous marshes
are ultimately contingent upon the operation of hydrodynamic and sedimentary processes …
are ultimately contingent upon the operation of hydrodynamic and sedimentary processes …
[PDF][PDF] 7.04—Physical ecosystem engineers and the functioning of estuaries and coasts
A great diversity of organisms modify the physical structure of estuarine and coastal
environments. These physical ecosystem engineers–particularly, dune and marsh plants …
environments. These physical ecosystem engineers–particularly, dune and marsh plants …
[ספר][B] Valuing ecosystem services: the case of multi-functional wetlands
S Georgiou, RK Turner - 2012 - taylorfrancis.com
Ecosystem services can be broadly defined as the aspects of ecosystems that provide
benefits to people. This book provides guidance on the valuation of ecosystem services …
benefits to people. This book provides guidance on the valuation of ecosystem services …
Estimation of bed shear stress using the turbulent kinetic energy approach—A comparison of annular flume and field data
ND Pope, J Widdows, MD Brinsley - Continental Shelf Research, 2006 - Elsevier
Annular flumes are often used to quantify the interactions between hydrodynamics,
biological activity and sediment dynamics. Therefore it is essential that experimental …
biological activity and sediment dynamics. Therefore it is essential that experimental …
[PDF][PDF] Saltmarsh review
LA Boorman - An overview of coastal saltmarshes, their dynamic and …, 2003 - versicolor.ca
This report provides information on the structure and functions of saltmarsh, a habitat
previously regarded as wasteland but which is now valued for its wide range of functions in …
previously regarded as wasteland but which is now valued for its wide range of functions in …