Episymbiotic Saccharibacteria suppresses gingival inflammation and bone loss in mice through host bacterial modulation
Saccharibacteria (TM7) are obligate epibionts living on the surface of their host bacteria and
are strongly correlated with dysbiotic microbiomes during periodontitis and other …
are strongly correlated with dysbiotic microbiomes during periodontitis and other …
Active virus-host interactions at sub-freezing temperatures in Arctic peat soil
Background Winter carbon loss in northern ecosystems is estimated to be greater than the
average growing season carbon uptake and is primarily driven by microbial decomposers …
average growing season carbon uptake and is primarily driven by microbial decomposers …
Ecogenomics sheds light on diverse lifestyle strategies in freshwater CPR
Background The increased use of metagenomics and single-cell genomics led to the
discovery of organisms from phyla with no cultivated representatives and proposed new …
discovery of organisms from phyla with no cultivated representatives and proposed new …