The best models of metabolism
EO Voit - Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Systems Biology and …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Biochemical systems are among of the oldest application areas of mathematical modeling.
Spanning a time period of over one hundred years, the repertoire of options for structuring a …
Spanning a time period of over one hundred years, the repertoire of options for structuring a …
150 years of the mass action law
This year we celebrate the 150th anniversary of the law of mass action. This law is often
assumed to have been “there” forever, but it has its own history, background, and a definite …
assumed to have been “there” forever, but it has its own history, background, and a definite …
Causality, machine learning and human insight
H Martens - Analytica Chimica Acta, 2023 - Elsevier
Modern instruments generate BIG DATA that require information extraction before they can
be used. A hybrid modelling framework for that is presented and illustrated. Its purpose is to …
be used. A hybrid modelling framework for that is presented and illustrated. Its purpose is to …
[PDF][PDF] Quantitative big data: where chemometrics can contribute
H Martens - 2015 - ntnuopen.ntnu.no
The editors of J. Chemometrics have been kind enough to invite me to outline some
directions, which I think young chemometricians could find interesting for the future. This …
directions, which I think young chemometricians could find interesting for the future. This …
Fusion strategies for selecting multiple tuning parameters for multivariate calibration and other penalty based processes: a model updating application for …
New multivariate calibration methods and other processes are being developed that require
selection of multiple tuning parameter (penalty) values to form the final model. With one or …
selection of multiple tuning parameter (penalty) values to form the final model. With one or …
Mathematical modeling improves EC50 estimations from classical dose–response curves
The β‐adrenergic response is impaired in failing hearts. When studying β‐adrenergic
function in vitro, the half‐maximal effective concentration (EC 50) is an important measure of …
function in vitro, the half‐maximal effective concentration (EC 50) is an important measure of …
Metamodeling of the electrical conditions in submerged arc furnaces
Abstract Physics-based Finite Element Methods models can be used to investigate the
electrical conditions in submerged arc furnaces (SAFs). However, their explicit solution may …
electrical conditions in submerged arc furnaces (SAFs). However, their explicit solution may …
Prediction uncertainty estimation despite unidentifiability: an overview of recent developments
G Cedersund - Uncertainty in Biology: a Computational Modeling …, 2016 - Springer
One of the most important properties of a mathematical model is the ability to make
predictions: to predict that which has not yet been measured. Such predictions can …
predictions: to predict that which has not yet been measured. Such predictions can …
Analyzing complex mathematical model behavior by partial least squares regression‐based multivariate metamodeling
The increasing complexity of mathematical models of complex systems like living cells has
created a need for methods to reduce computational demand, maintain overview of the …
created a need for methods to reduce computational demand, maintain overview of the …
Identification of metabolic pathway systems
The estimation of parameters in even moderately large biological systems is a significant
challenge. This challenge is greatly exacerbated if the mathematical formats of appropriate …
challenge. This challenge is greatly exacerbated if the mathematical formats of appropriate …