Improving performance of data dum** with lossy compression for scientific simulation
Because of the ever-increasing data being produced by today's high performance
computing (HPC) scientific simulations, I/O performance is becoming a significant bottleneck …
computing (HPC) scientific simulations, I/O performance is becoming a significant bottleneck …
[BOK][B] Modeling and prediction of i/o performance in virtualized environments
OQ Noorshams - 2017 - books.google.com
We present a novel performance modeling approach tailored to I/O performance prediction
in virtualized environments. The main idea is to identify important performance-influencing …
in virtualized environments. The main idea is to identify important performance-influencing …
Consequences of the form of restrictions in Coloured Petri Net models for behaviour of arrival stream generator used in performance evaluation
D Rzonca, W Rząsa, S Samolej - International Conference on Computer …, 2018 - Springer
Abstract Coloured Petri Nets formalism is commonly used for modelling various aspects of
communication systems. Simulations of such models facilitate performance evaluation …
communication systems. Simulations of such models facilitate performance evaluation …
Disk throughput controller for cloud data-centers
With the increasing popularity of virtual machine monitoring (VMM) technologies,
performance variability among collocated virtual machines (VMs) can easily become a …
performance variability among collocated virtual machines (VMs) can easily become a …
Enhancing disk input output performance in consolidated virtualized cloud platforms using a randomized approximation scheme
In a virtualized computer system with shared resources, consolidated virtual services (VSs)
fiercely compete with each other to obtain the required capacity of resources, and this …
fiercely compete with each other to obtain the required capacity of resources, and this …
A coarse‐grained page cache aware multivariate analytical model for the storage performance of a parallel file system
Huge requirements of emerging Big Data applications combined with the performance
impairment of current I/O subsystems pose a great challenge on data storage, management …
impairment of current I/O subsystems pose a great challenge on data storage, management …
Modeling and performance evaluation of Cloud on-Ramp by utilizing a stochastic petri-net
Y Yagawa, A Sutoh, E Malamura… - 2016 5th IIAI …, 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Cloud storage becomes popular, but low data-access performance through WANs (wide
area networks) is becoming an issue. A cloud-storage cache, called “cloud on-ramp”(CoR) …
area networks) is becoming an issue. A cloud-storage cache, called “cloud on-ramp”(CoR) …
The virtual display case
G Wyvill, T Mason, G Downes… - Proceedings Computer …, 1997 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Looking at a picture on a screen is very different from looking at a solid object. But if the
picture changes correctly as the observer moves, we can create the illusion that there is a …
picture changes correctly as the observer moves, we can create the illusion that there is a …
[PDF][PDF] „The Storage Performance Analyzer: Measuring, Monitoring, and Modeling of I/O Performance in Virtualized Environments.“
The ever-increasing I/O resource demands pose significant challenges for today's system
environments to meet performance requirements. The resource demand effects are even …
environments to meet performance requirements. The resource demand effects are even …
Cloud on-Ramp を用いた長大データアクセスのための部分リコール方式の実装設計と性能評価
矢川雄一, 飯塚大介, 須藤敦之… - 電気学会論文誌 C (電子 …, 2017 - jstage.jst.go.jp
抄録 Cloud storage becomes popular, but low data-access performance through WANs
(wide area networks) is becoming an issue. We proposed a cloud-storage cache, called …
(wide area networks) is becoming an issue. We proposed a cloud-storage cache, called …