Review of the state of the art in assessing earthquake-induced loss of functionality in buildings

MW Mieler, J Mitrani-Reiser - Journal of Structural Engineering, 2018 -
Earthquake-induced damage to the built infrastructure can generate enormous societal
impact, ranging from displacement of individual families and businesses to disruption of …

Optimal tuned mass‐damper‐inerter (TMDI) design for seismically excited MDOF structures with model uncertainties based on reliability criteria

A Giaralis, AA Taflanidis - Structural Control and Health …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
The tuned mass‐damper‐inerter (TMDI) is a recently proposed linear passive dynamic
vibration absorber for the seismic protection of buildings. It couples the classical tuned mass …

Machine learning-based approaches for seismic demand and collapse of ductile reinforced concrete building frames

SH Hwang, S Mangalathu, J Shin, JS Jeon - Journal of Building …, 2021 - Elsevier
Robust seismic vulnerability assessment for a building under expected earthquake ground
motions necessitates explicit consideration of all-important sources of uncertainty in …

Conditional mean spectrum: Tool for ground-motion selection

JW Baker - Journal of structural engineering, 2011 -
A common goal of dynamic structural analysis is to predict the response of a structure
subjected to ground motions having a specified spectral acceleration at a given period. This …

Error estimation of closed‐form solution for annual rate of structural collapse

BA Bradley, RP Dhakal - Earthquake Engineering & Structural …, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
With the increasing emphasis of performance‐based earthquake engineering in the
engineering community, several investigations have been presented outlining simplified …

Seismic fragility functions via nonlinear response history analysis

K Bakalis, D Vamvatsikos - Journal of structural engineering, 2018 -
The estimation of building fragility, ie, the probability function of seismic demand exceeding
a certain limit state capacity given the seismic intensity, is a common process inherent in any …

Significance of residual drifts in building earthquake loss estimation

CM Ramirez, E Miranda - Earthquake Engineering & Structural …, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
The influence of residual interstorey drifts on economic losses in building resulting from
earthquakes is examined. Current building‐specific loss estimation methodologies that …

SYNER-G: typology definition and fragility functions for physical elements at seismic risk

K Pitilakis, H Crowley, AM Kaynia - Geotechnical, Geological and …, 2014 - Springer
Modern societies and economies become more complex and at the same time more
sophisticated. Still, the experience from earthquakes reveals that even the developed …

Seismic collapse safety of reinforced concrete buildings. I: Assessment of ductile moment frames

CB Haselton, AB Liel, GG Deierlein… - Journal of Structural …, 2011 -
This study applies nonlinear dynamic analyses to assess the risk of collapse of RC special
moment-frame (SMF) buildings to quantify the seismic safety implied by modern building …

Incorporating modeling uncertainties in the assessment of seismic collapse risk of buildings

AB Liel, CB Haselton, GG Deierlein, JW Baker - Structural safety, 2009 - Elsevier
The primary goal of seismic provisions in building codes is to protect life safety through the
prevention of structural collapse. To evaluate the extent to which current and past building …