Is carbon removal delaying emission reductions?
Carbon dioxide removal is rapidly becoming a key focus in climate research and politics.
This is raising concerns of “moral hazard” or “mitigation deterrence,” that is, the risk that …
This is raising concerns of “moral hazard” or “mitigation deterrence,” that is, the risk that …
Reviewing the sociotechnical dynamics of carbon removal
In recent years, carbon removal and associated net-zero energy technologies have
emerged as serious options for policymakers and scientists to consider when trying to …
emerged as serious options for policymakers and scientists to consider when trying to …
Deployment expectations of multi-gigatonne scale carbon removal could have adverse impacts on Asia's energy-water-land nexus
Existing studies indicate that future global carbon dioxide (CO2) removal (CDR) efforts could
largely be concentrated in Asia. However, there is limited understanding of how individual …
largely be concentrated in Asia. However, there is limited understanding of how individual …
Prioritizing non-carbon dioxide removal mitigation strategies could reduce the negative impacts associated with large-scale reliance on negative emissions
Carbon dioxide removal (CDR) is necessary for reaching net zero emissions, with studies
showing potential deployment at multi-GtCO2 scale by 2050. However, excessive reliance …
showing potential deployment at multi-GtCO2 scale by 2050. However, excessive reliance …
Exploring public acceptability of direct air carbon capture with storage: climate urgency, moral hazards and perceptions of the 'whole versus the parts'
Negative emission technologies (NETs) for the removal and long-term storage of
atmospheric carbon are increasingly essential to meeting climate targets. In order to meet …
atmospheric carbon are increasingly essential to meeting climate targets. In order to meet …
[HTML][HTML] Climate beliefs, climate technologies and transformation pathways: Contextualizing public perceptions in 22 countries
As emerging methods for carbon removal and controversial proposals around solar
radiation modification are gaining traction in climate assessments and policy debates, a …
radiation modification are gaining traction in climate assessments and policy debates, a …
Moral hazard or not? The effects of learning about carbon dioxide removal on perceptions of climate mitigation in the United States
Geoengineering technologies are increasingly proposed as a necessary strategy to address
climate change. How does the prospect of these technologies affect public support for …
climate change. How does the prospect of these technologies affect public support for …
[HTML][HTML] The deployment length of solar radiation modification: an interplay of mitigation, net-negative emissions and climate uncertainty
A growing body of literature investigates the effects of solar radiation modification (SRM) on
global and regional climates. Previous studies have focused on the potentials and the side …
global and regional climates. Previous studies have focused on the potentials and the side …
Solar geoengineering: History, methods, governance, prospects
Solar geoengineering, also called sunlight reflection or solar radiation modification (SRM), is
a potential climate response that would cool the Earth's surface and reduce many other …
a potential climate response that would cool the Earth's surface and reduce many other …
[HTML][HTML] Beyond climate stabilization: Exploring the perceived sociotechnical co-impacts of carbon removal and solar geoengineering
The scientific literature on the co-impacts of low-carbon energy systems—positive and
negative side effects—has focused intently on climate mitigation, or climate adaptation. It …
negative side effects—has focused intently on climate mitigation, or climate adaptation. It …