Advanced thermoelectric design: from materials and structures to devices
The long-standing popularity of thermoelectric materials has contributed to the creation of
various thermoelectric devices and stimulated the development of strategies to improve their …
various thermoelectric devices and stimulated the development of strategies to improve their …
Transport phenomena in spin caloritronics
KI Uchida - Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Series B, 2021 -
The interconversion between spin, charge, and heat currents is being actively studied from
the viewpoints of both fundamental physics and thermoelectric applications in the field of …
the viewpoints of both fundamental physics and thermoelectric applications in the field of …
Long-distance transport of magnon spin information in a magnetic insulator at room temperature
The transport of spin information has been studied in various materials, such as metals,
semiconductors and graphene. In these materials, spin is transported by the diffusion of …
semiconductors and graphene. In these materials, spin is transported by the diffusion of …
[KSIĄŻKA][B] Fundamentals of magnonics
SM Rezende - 2020 - Springer
Magnetism and magnetic materials constitute one of the oldest fields of science and
technology that keeps renewing itself with new discoveries and unique technological …
technology that keeps renewing itself with new discoveries and unique technological …
Antiferromagnetic spin Seebeck effect
We report on the observation of the spin Seebeck effect in antiferromagnetic MnF 2. A device
scale on-chip heater is deposited on a bilayer of MnF 2 (110)(30 nm)/Pt (4 nm) grown by …
scale on-chip heater is deposited on a bilayer of MnF 2 (110)(30 nm)/Pt (4 nm) grown by …
Magnon spin transport driven by the magnon chemical potential in a magnetic insulator
We develop a linear-response transport theory of diffusive spin and heat transport by
magnons in magnetic insulators with metallic contacts. The magnons are described by a …
magnons in magnetic insulators with metallic contacts. The magnons are described by a …
Thermoelectric generation based on spin Seebeck effects
The spin Seebeck effect (SSE) refers to the generation of a spin current as a result of a
temperature gradient in magnetic materials including insulators. The SSE is applicable to …
temperature gradient in magnetic materials including insulators. The SSE is applicable to …
Magnon polarons in the spin Seebeck effect
Sharp structures in the magnetic field-dependent spin Seebeck effect (SSE) voltages of Pt/Y
3 Fe 5 O 12 at low temperatures are attributed to the magnon-phonon interaction …
3 Fe 5 O 12 at low temperatures are attributed to the magnon-phonon interaction …
Large unidirectional magnetoresistance in a magnetic topological insulator
We report current-direction dependent or unidirectional magnetoresistance (UMR) in
magnetic or nonmagnetic topological insulator (TI) heterostructures, Cr x (Bi 1-y Sb y) 2-x Te …
magnetic or nonmagnetic topological insulator (TI) heterostructures, Cr x (Bi 1-y Sb y) 2-x Te …
Efficient spin Seebeck and spin Nernst effects of magnons in altermagnets
We report two nondegenerate magnon modes with opposite spins or chiralities in collinearly
antiferromagnetic insulators driven by symmetry-governed anisotropic exchange couplings …
antiferromagnetic insulators driven by symmetry-governed anisotropic exchange couplings …