Uma estimativa dos aspectos distributivos da previdência social no Brasil
Este artigo quantifica os aspectos distributivos da previdência social no Brasil, por meio do
cálculo das Taxas Internas de Retorno (TIRs) proporcionadas pelas contribuições e …
cálculo das Taxas Internas de Retorno (TIRs) proporcionadas pelas contribuições e …
On the choice of public pensions when income and life expectancy are correlated
R Borck - Journal of Public Economic Theory, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
The paper presents a model where public pensions are determined by majority voting.
Voters differ by age and income. Moreover, life expectancy increases with income …
Voters differ by age and income. Moreover, life expectancy increases with income …
Beyond the Toledo agreement: The intergenerational impact of the Spanish Pension Reform
The paper examines the intergenerational impact of the Spanish public pension system after
the 1997 Pension Reform Act. Within a Generational Accounting framework, we find that the …
the 1997 Pension Reform Act. Within a Generational Accounting framework, we find that the …
Back to Bismarck? Shifting preferences for intragenerational redistribution in OECD pension systems
Using a sample of 20 OECD countries it is shown that the majority of countries decreased
the level of intragenerational redistribution in the first pillar of their pension systems, though …
the level of intragenerational redistribution in the first pillar of their pension systems, though …
O regime de previdência dos servidores públicos: Implicações distributivas com base na instituição de um teto nos valores dos benefícios e da criação da FUNPRESP
LA Rangel, J Saboia - Nova Economia, 2015 - SciELO Brasil
O sistema brasileiro de Previdência Social é composto de dois grandes regimes, um para
trabalhadores do setor privado (Regime Geral) e outro para servidores públicos (Regimes …
trabalhadores do setor privado (Regime Geral) e outro para servidores públicos (Regimes …
[PDF][PDF] Evazija doprinosa za mirovinsko osiguranje
P Bejaković - Financijska teorija i praksa, 2002 - hrcak.srce.hr
Sažetak Prvi dio članka sadrži teorijski okvir za određivanje evazije doprinosa, a drugi
stanje u odabranim zemljama i analizu provedenih mjera. Podrobnije se iznose problemi …
stanje u odabranim zemljama i analizu provedenih mjera. Podrobnije se iznose problemi …
Working life and retirement pensions in Spain: The simulated impact of a parametric reform
This article aims to offer an ex ante evaluation of the impact of a parametric reform of the
Spanish pension system that would involve increasing the reference period used to …
Spanish pension system that would involve increasing the reference period used to …
Inequality, Life Expectancy, and the Alienation Effect: Insights from a Real-Effort Experiment on the Intragenerational Redistribution Puzzle
In most OECD countries, pension reform policy has decreased the level of intragenerational
redistribution in the first pillar of the pension system over the last three decades, that is …
redistribution in the first pillar of the pension system over the last three decades, that is …
Ageing population and spanish pension system reforms: effects on average pensions and inequality among pensioners
P De Pedraza, R Muñoz de Bustillo, LA Rivas - 2009 - econstor.eu
An ageing population is prompting the reform of pension systems. The Spanish pension
system has undergone two consecutive reforms and a third one is currently being taking into …
system has undergone two consecutive reforms and a third one is currently being taking into …
Vida laboral y pensiones de jubilación en España: simulación de los efectos de una reforma paramétrica
El objetivo de este estudio es la evaluaci ó n ex ante del impacto de una reforma param é
trica del sistema de pensiones en Espa ñ a, concretamente el alargamiento del per í odo …
trica del sistema de pensiones en Espa ñ a, concretamente el alargamiento del per í odo …