Uma estimativa dos aspectos distributivos da previdência social no Brasil

LE Afonso, R Fernandes - Revista Brasileira de Economia, 2005 - SciELO Brasil
Este artigo quantifica os aspectos distributivos da previdência social no Brasil, por meio do
cálculo das Taxas Internas de Retorno (TIRs) proporcionadas pelas contribuições e …

On the choice of public pensions when income and life expectancy are correlated

R Borck - Journal of Public Economic Theory, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
The paper presents a model where public pensions are determined by majority voting.
Voters differ by age and income. Moreover, life expectancy increases with income …

Beyond the Toledo agreement: The intergenerational impact of the Spanish Pension Reform

H Bonin, J Gil, C Patxot - Spanish Economic Review, 2001 - Springer
The paper examines the intergenerational impact of the Spanish public pension system after
the 1997 Pension Reform Act. Within a Generational Accounting framework, we find that the …

Back to Bismarck? Shifting preferences for intragenerational redistribution in OECD pension systems

T Krieger, S Traub - … in OECD Pension Systems (June 25, 2008), 2008 -
Using a sample of 20 OECD countries it is shown that the majority of countries decreased
the level of intragenerational redistribution in the first pillar of their pension systems, though …

O regime de previdência dos servidores públicos: Implicações distributivas com base na instituição de um teto nos valores dos benefícios e da criação da FUNPRESP

LA Rangel, J Saboia - Nova Economia, 2015 - SciELO Brasil
O sistema brasileiro de Previdência Social é composto de dois grandes regimes, um para
trabalhadores do setor privado (Regime Geral) e outro para servidores públicos (Regimes …

[PDF][PDF] Evazija doprinosa za mirovinsko osiguranje

P Bejaković - Financijska teorija i praksa, 2002 -
Sažetak Prvi dio članka sadrži teorijski okvir za određivanje evazije doprinosa, a drugi
stanje u odabranim zemljama i analizu provedenih mjera. Podrobnije se iznose problemi …

Working life and retirement pensions in Spain: The simulated impact of a parametric reform

RM de Bustillo, P de Pedraza, JI Antón… - … Social Security Review, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
This article aims to offer an ex ante evaluation of the impact of a parametric reform of the
Spanish pension system that would involve increasing the reference period used to …

Inequality, Life Expectancy, and the Alienation Effect: Insights from a Real-Effort Experiment on the Intragenerational Redistribution Puzzle

T Krieger, C Meemann, S Traub - Available at SSRN, 2024 -
In most OECD countries, pension reform policy has decreased the level of intragenerational
redistribution in the first pillar of the pension system over the last three decades, that is …

Ageing population and spanish pension system reforms: effects on average pensions and inequality among pensioners

P De Pedraza, R Muñoz de Bustillo, LA Rivas - 2009 -
An ageing population is prompting the reform of pension systems. The Spanish pension
system has undergone two consecutive reforms and a third one is currently being taking into …

Vida laboral y pensiones de jubilación en España: simulación de los efectos de una reforma paramétrica

RM de Bustillo, P de Pedraza, JI Antón… - … de Seguridad Social, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
El objetivo de este estudio es la evaluaci ó n ex ante del impacto de una reforma param é
trica del sistema de pensiones en Espa ñ a, concretamente el alargamiento del per í odo …