Placing prairie pothole wetlands along spatial and temporal continua to improve integration of wetland function in ecological investigations

NH Euliss Jr, DM Mushet, WE Newton, CRV Otto… - Journal of …, 2014 - Elsevier
We evaluated the efficacy of using chemical characteristics to rank wetland relation to
surface and groundwater along a hydrologic continuum ranging from groundwater recharge …

Proposed hydrogeomorphic classification for wetlands of the Mid-Atlantic Region, USA

RP Brooks, MM Brinson, KJ Havens, CS Hershner… - Wetlands, 2011 - Springer
We propose a regional classification for wetlands of the Mid-Atlantic region, USA. It
combines functional characteristics recognized by the hydrogeomorphic (HGM) approach …

Hydrogeomorphic (HGM) assessments of mitigation sites compared to natural reference wetlands in Pennsylvania

NA Gebo, RP Brooks - Wetlands, 2012 - Springer
Abstract The US Environmental Protection Agency and US Army Corps of Engineers
completed revisions to the Mitigation Rule of the Clean Water Act in 2008. These revisions …

Spatially differentiated management-revised discharge scenarios for an integrated analysis of multi-realisation climate and land use scenarios for the Elbe River basin

T Conradt, H Koch, FF Hattermann… - Regional Environmental …, 2012 - Springer
A spatially differentiated, management-revised projection of natural water availability up to
2053 was requested for a basin-wide scenario study about the impact of global change in …

Wetland hydrology and soils as components of Virginia bog turtle (Glyptemys muhlenbergii) habitat

JB Feaga - 2010 -
Reptile populations are in decline worldwide, with turtle species showing some of the largest
drops in population. The bog turtle (Glyptemys muhlenbergii) is considered one of the rarest …

Water Table Depth, Surface Saturation, and Drought Response in Bog Turtle (Glyptemys muhlenbergii) Wetlands

JB Feaga, CA Haas, JA Burger - Wetlands, 2012 - Springer
The bog turtle (Glyptemys muhlenbergii) is known to select wetland areas that are near
water with deep mud, but water table dynamics in their habitats have not been well …

Assessment of a judgment‐based hydrogeomorphic wetland classification using long‐term hydrologic data

CA Cole - Ecohydrology, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Hydrogeomorphic (HGM) wetland classifications are becoming increasingly common but
lack substantial review of assumptions behind those classifications. In this paper, I compare …

Hydrogeomorphic classification and functional assessment

CA Davis, D Dvorett, JR Bidwell - Wetland Techniques: Volume 3 …, 2013 - Springer
Wetland assessment methods have been used to estimate the capacity of wetlands to
perform certain functions and to determine potential changes in wetland condition as a result …

Hydrogeomorphology, environment, and vegetation associations across a latitudinal gradient in highland wetlands of the northeastern USA

J Peterson-Smith, DH Wardrop, CA Cole, CP Cirmo… - Plant Ecology, 2009 - Springer
Undisturbed, highland wetlands in the northeastern USA are unique habitats which maintain
ecological integrity in this region. These ecosystems may be threatened by a changing …


曹宇, 莫利江, **艳, 章文妹 - 应用生态学报, 2009 -
湿地景观生态分类是湿地景观生态学研究的前提与基础, 直接影响湿地研究结果的精度和有效性
. 基于国内外湿地景观生态分类在分类理论, 分类指标, 分类方法等方面的研究历史 …