Managing grapevine trunk diseases with respect to etiology and epidemiology: current strategies and future prospects
Fungal trunk diseases are some of the most destructive diseases of grapevine in all grape
growing areas of the world. Management of GTDs has been intensively studied for decades …
growing areas of the world. Management of GTDs has been intensively studied for decades …
The microbiota of the grapevine holobiont: a key component of plant health
Background Grapevine is a woody, perennial plant of high economic importance worldwide.
Like other plants, it lives in close association with large numbers of microorganisms …
Like other plants, it lives in close association with large numbers of microorganisms …
[HTML][HTML] Fungal diversity notes 1387–1511: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions on genera and species of fungal taxa
This article is the 13th contribution in the Fungal Diversity Notes series, wherein 125 taxa
from four phyla, ten classes, 31 orders, 69 families, 92 genera and three genera incertae …
from four phyla, ten classes, 31 orders, 69 families, 92 genera and three genera incertae …
Grapevine trunk diseases: complex and still poorly understood
C Bertsch, M Ramírez‐Suero… - Plant …, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
This review presents an overview of eutypa dieback, esca and botryosphaeria dieback, the
predominant grapevine trunk diseases worldwide. It covers their symptomatologies in the …
predominant grapevine trunk diseases worldwide. It covers their symptomatologies in the …
The status of Botryosphaeriaceae species infecting grapevines
JR Urbez-Torres - Phytopathologia Mediterranea, 2011 - JSTOR
Species in the Botryosphaeriaceae have a cosmopolitan distribution, and occur on a wide
range of annual and perennial hosts including grapevines. To date, morphological and …
range of annual and perennial hosts including grapevines. To date, morphological and …
Challenges of viticulture adaptation to global change: tackling the issue from the roots
D Marín, J Armengol… - Australian Journal of …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Viticulture is facing emerging challenges not only because of the effect of climate change on
yield and composition of grapes, but also of a social demand for environmental‐friendly …
yield and composition of grapes, but also of a social demand for environmental‐friendly …
Current knowledge on Grapevine Trunk Diseases with complex etiology: a systemic approach
Among all causes of grapevine decline, Grapevine Trunk Diseases (GTDs) are major
concerns for grape growers. is paper reviews knowledge and proposes hypotheses on two …
concerns for grape growers. is paper reviews knowledge and proposes hypotheses on two …
Evaluation of pruning wound susceptibility and protection against fungi associated with grapevine trunk diseases
Trunk diseases diminish vineyard longevity and productivity in nearly every raisin, table, and
wine grape production region worldwide. Fungi causing these diseases infect primarily …
wine grape production region worldwide. Fungi causing these diseases infect primarily …
Grapevine trunk diseases under thermal and water stresses
Main conclusion Heat and water stresses, individually or combined, affect both the plant
(development, physiology, and production) and the pathogens (growth, morphology …
(development, physiology, and production) and the pathogens (growth, morphology …
Distinctive expansion of gene families associated with plant cell wall degradation, secondary metabolism, and nutrient uptake in the genomes of grapevine trunk …
Background Trunk diseases threaten the longevity and productivity of grapevines in all
viticulture production systems. They are caused by distantly-related fungi that form chronic …
viticulture production systems. They are caused by distantly-related fungi that form chronic …