An integrated PT-H2O-lattice strain model to quantify the role of clinopyroxene fractionation on REE+ Y and HFSE patterns of mafic alkaline magmas: application to …
A correct description and quantification of the geochemical behaviour of REE+ Y (rare earth
elements and Y) and HFSE (high field strength elements) is a key requirement for modeling …
elements and Y) and HFSE (high field strength elements) is a key requirement for modeling …
First integrated tephrochronological record for the last∼ 190 kyr from the Fucino Quaternary lacustrine succession, central Italy
We present the first integrated tephrochronological study (major and trace elemental glass
composition, Sr and Nd isotope analyses, and 40 Ar/39 Ar dating) for the last one tenth (∼ …
composition, Sr and Nd isotope analyses, and 40 Ar/39 Ar dating) for the last one tenth (∼ …
Deep magma storage revealed by multi-method elemental map** of clinopyroxene megacrysts at Stromboli volcano
The magmatic architecture and physicochemical processes inside volcanoes influence the
style and timescale of eruptions. A long-standing challenge in volcanology is to establish the …
style and timescale of eruptions. A long-standing challenge in volcanology is to establish the …
Reconstruction of magmatic variables governing recent Etnean eruptions: constraints from mineral chemistry and P–T–fO2–H2O modeling
Petrological investigations of active volcanoes are often supported by mass balance,
thermodynamic calculations and/or experiments performed at key conditions. Conversely …
thermodynamic calculations and/or experiments performed at key conditions. Conversely …
[HTML][HTML] Explosive volcanic activity in Central-Southern Italy during Middle Pleistocene: A tale from tephra layers of the Acerno basin
The cored succession of the Acerno basin, a tectonic palaeolake located in the southern
Apennines (Italy), represents a key point of the Italian tephrostratigraphic network for the …
Apennines (Italy), represents a key point of the Italian tephrostratigraphic network for the …
Trace element partitioning between clinopyroxene and trachy-phonolitic melts: A case study from the Campanian Ignimbrite (Campi Flegrei, Italy)
The partitioning of trace elements between crystals and melts provides an important
petrogenetic tool for understanding magmatic processes. We present trace element partition …
petrogenetic tool for understanding magmatic processes. We present trace element partition …
Long-distance mobility in the North-Western Mediterranean during the Neolithic transition using high resolution pottery sourcing
Abstract The Neolithisation of the North-Western Mediterranean is still an open issue. New
data has recently enriched the chronological and cultural archaeological framework …
data has recently enriched the chronological and cultural archaeological framework …
Mineral Resources for the Ceramic Industry: Survey of Feldspathic Raw Materials in Italy
M Dondi, S Conte, C Molinari, C Zanelli - Minerals, 2025 -
Feldspars are essential components in the ceramic industry, and the increasing demand for
high-grade fluxes has recently elevated their status as critical raw materials for the European …
high-grade fluxes has recently elevated their status as critical raw materials for the European …
Trachyte-phonolite transition at Dunedin Volcano: Fingerprints of magma plumbing system maturity and mush evolution
Phonolite-trachyte associations are a common feature of alkaline volcanoes in intraplate
settings, and their coexistence challenges closed-system magmatic differentiation scenarios …
settings, and their coexistence challenges closed-system magmatic differentiation scenarios …
Nature of the magma storage system beneath the Damavand volcano (N. Iran): An integrated study
Damavand intraplate stratovolcano constructed upon a moderately thick crust (58–67 km)
over the last 2 Ma. The erupted products are dominantly trachyandesite-trachyte (TT) lavas …
over the last 2 Ma. The erupted products are dominantly trachyandesite-trachyte (TT) lavas …